
public final class ThemedSpinnerAdapter.Helper

A helper class which allows easy integration of ThemedSpinnerAdapter into existing SpinnerAdapters in a backwards compatible way.

An example BaseAdapter implementation would be:

public class MyAdapter extends BaseAdapter implements ThemedSpinnerAdapter {
    private final ThemedSpinnerAdapter.Helper mDropDownHelper;

    public CheeseAdapter(Context context) {
        mDropDownHelper = new ThemedSpinnerAdapter.Helper(context);
        // ...

    public View getDropDownView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) {
        View view;

        if (convertView == null) {
            // Inflate the drop down using the helper's LayoutInflater
            LayoutInflater inflater = mDropDownHelper.getDropDownViewInflater();
            view = inflater.inflate(R.layout.my_dropdown, parent, false);

        // ...

    public void setDropDownViewTheme(@Nullable Resources.Theme theme) {
        // Pass the new theme to the helper

    public Resources.Theme getDropDownViewTheme() {
        // Return the helper's value
        return mDropDownHelper.getDropDownViewTheme();


Public constructors

Public methods

@NonNull LayoutInflater

Returns the LayoutInflater which should be used when inflating any layouts from your getDropDownView.

@Nullable Resources.Theme

Should be called from your adapter's getDropDownViewTheme, returning the value returned from this method.


Should be called from your adapter's setDropDownViewTheme

Public constructors


Added in 1.1.0
public Helper(@NonNull Context context)

Public methods


Added in 1.1.0
public @NonNull LayoutInflater getDropDownViewInflater()

Returns the LayoutInflater which should be used when inflating any layouts from your getDropDownView.

The instance returned will have a correct theme, meaning that any inflated views will be created with the same theme.


Added in 1.1.0
public @Nullable Resources.Theme getDropDownViewTheme()

Should be called from your adapter's getDropDownViewTheme, returning the value returned from this method.


Added in 1.1.0
public void setDropDownViewTheme(@Nullable Resources.Theme theme)

Should be called from your adapter's setDropDownViewTheme

@Nullable Resources.Theme theme

the theme passed in to setDropDownViewTheme