
public final class SectionedItemTemplate.Builder

A builder that constructs SectionedItemTemplate instances.

Upon building, this class validates the following:

  • The template is not both loading and populated with sections
  • Only RowSection and/or GridSection are added as sections


Public constructors

Create a new SectionedItemTemplate builder.

Create a new SectionedItemTemplate builder, copying the values from an existing instance.

Public methods

@NonNull SectionedItemTemplate.Builder

Adds a single Action to this template, appending to the existing list of actions.

@NonNull SectionedItemTemplate.Builder

Adds a single Section to this template, appending to the existing list of sections.

@NonNull SectionedItemTemplate

Constructs a new SectionedItemTemplate from the current state of this builder, throwing exceptions for any invalid state.

@NonNull SectionedItemTemplate.Builder

Removes all actions in this template.

@NonNull SectionedItemTemplate.Builder

Removes all sections from this template.

@NonNull SectionedItemTemplate.Builder

Sets the actions that show up alongside the sections of this template (as opposed to the actions in the header), overwriting any other previously set actions from addAction or setActions.

@NonNull SectionedItemTemplate.Builder
setAlphabeticalIndexingAllowed(boolean alphabeticalIndexingAllowed)

Sets whether this list can be indexed alphabetically, by item title.

@NonNull SectionedItemTemplate.Builder

Sets or clears the optional header for this template.

@NonNull SectionedItemTemplate.Builder
setLoading(boolean isLoading)

Sets whether or not this template is in a loading state.

@NonNull SectionedItemTemplate.Builder

Sets the sections in this template, overwriting any other previously set sections.

Public constructors


Added in 1.7.0-rc01
public Builder()

Create a new SectionedItemTemplate builder.


Added in 1.7.0-rc01
public Builder(@NonNull SectionedItemTemplate template)

Create a new SectionedItemTemplate builder, copying the values from an existing instance.

Public methods


Added in 1.7.0-rc01
public @NonNull SectionedItemTemplate.Builder addAction(@NonNull Action action)

Adds a single Action to this template, appending to the existing list of actions. All actions must conform to the ACTIONS_CONSTRAINTS_FAB constraints.


Added in 1.7.0-rc01
public @NonNull SectionedItemTemplate.Builder addSection(@NonNull Section<Object> section)

Adds a single Section to this template, appending to the existing list of sections. Only sections listed in Builder can be added.

See also

for a list of allowed section types


Added in 1.7.0-rc01
public @NonNull SectionedItemTemplate build()

Constructs a new SectionedItemTemplate from the current state of this builder, throwing exceptions for any invalid state.

See also

for the list of validation logic


Added in 1.7.0-rc01
public @NonNull SectionedItemTemplate.Builder clearActions()

Removes all actions in this template.


Added in 1.7.0-rc01
public @NonNull SectionedItemTemplate.Builder clearSections()

Removes all sections from this template.


Added in 1.7.0-rc01
public @NonNull SectionedItemTemplate.Builder setActions(@NonNull List<Action> actions)

Sets the actions that show up alongside the sections of this template (as opposed to the actions in the header), overwriting any other previously set actions from addAction or setActions. All actions must conform to the ACTIONS_CONSTRAINTS_FAB constraints.


Added in 1.7.0-rc01
public @NonNull SectionedItemTemplate.Builder setAlphabeticalIndexingAllowed(boolean alphabeticalIndexingAllowed)

Sets whether this list can be indexed alphabetically, by item title. By default, this is false.

"Indexing" refers to the process of examining list contents (e.g. item titles) to sort, partition, or filter a list. Indexing is generally used for features called "Accelerators", which allow a user to quickly find a particular Item in a long list.

For example, a media app may, by default, show a user's playlists sorted by date created. If the app provides these playlists via the SectionedItemTemplate and enables isAlphabeticalIndexingAllowed, the user will be able to jump to their playlists that start with the letter "H". When this happens, the list is reconstructed and sorted alphabetically, then shown to the user, jumping down to the letter "H".

Individual items may be excluded from the list by setting their #isIndexable field to false.


Added in 1.7.0-rc01
public @NonNull SectionedItemTemplate.Builder setHeader(@Nullable Header header)

Sets or clears the optional header for this template.


Added in 1.7.0-rc01
public @NonNull SectionedItemTemplate.Builder setLoading(boolean isLoading)

Sets whether or not this template is in a loading state. If passed true, sections cannot be added to the template. By default, this is false.


Added in 1.7.0-rc01
public @NonNull SectionedItemTemplate.Builder setSections(@NonNull List<Section<Object>> sections)

Sets the sections in this template, overwriting any other previously set sections. Only sections listed in Builder can be added.

See also

for a list of allowed section types