
public final class PutDocumentsRequest

Encapsulates a request to index documents into an AppSearchSession database.

Documents added to the request can be instances of classes annotated with androidx.appsearch.annotation.Document or instances of GenericDocument.

See also


Nested types

public final class PutDocumentsRequest.Builder

Builder for PutDocumentsRequest objects.

Public methods

@NonNull List<GenericDocument>

Returns a list of GenericDocument objects that are part of this request.

@NonNull List<GenericDocument>

Returns a list of GenericDocument objects containing taken action metrics that are part of this request.

Public methods


Added in 1.1.0-alpha06
public @NonNull List<GenericDocumentgetGenericDocuments()

Returns a list of GenericDocument objects that are part of this request.


Added in 1.1.0-alpha06
public @NonNull List<GenericDocumentgetTakenActionGenericDocuments()

Returns a list of GenericDocument objects containing taken action metrics that are part of this request.

See addTakenActions.