
Added in 1.1.0

public final class ParcelCompat

Helper for accessing features in Parcel.


Public methods

static @Nullable Object[]
<T> readArray(
    @NonNull Parcel in,
    @Nullable ClassLoader loader,
    @NonNull Class<T> clazz

Same as readArray but accepts clazz parameter as the type required for each item.

static @Nullable ArrayList<T>
<T> readArrayList(
    @NonNull Parcel in,
    @Nullable ClassLoader loader,
    @NonNull Class<T> clazz

Same as readArrayList but accepts clazz parameter as the type required for each item.

static boolean

Read a boolean value from the parcel at the current dataPosition.

static @Nullable HashMap<K, V>
<K, V> readHashMap(
    @NonNull Parcel in,
    @Nullable ClassLoader loader,
    @NonNull Class<K> clazzKey,
    @NonNull Class<V> clazzValue

Same as readHashMap but accepts clazzKey and clazzValue parameter as the types required for each key and value pair.

static void
<T> readList(
    @NonNull Parcel in,
    @NonNull List<T> outVal,
    @Nullable ClassLoader loader,
    @NonNull Class<T> clazz

Same as readList but accepts clazz parameter as the type required for each item.

static void
<K, V> readMap(
    @NonNull Parcel in,
    @NonNull Map<K, V> outVal,
    @Nullable ClassLoader loader,
    @NonNull Class<K> clazzKey,
    @NonNull Class<V> clazzValue

Same as readMap but accepts clazzKey and clazzValue parameter as the types required for each key and value pair.

static @Nullable T
<T extends Parcelable> readParcelable(
    @NonNull Parcel in,
    @Nullable ClassLoader loader,
    @NonNull Class<T> clazz

Same as readParcelable but accepts clazz parameter as the type required for each item.

static @Nullable T[]
<T> readParcelableArray(
    @NonNull Parcel in,
    @Nullable ClassLoader loader,
    @NonNull Class<T> clazz

This method is deprecated.

This method incurs a performance penalty on SDK 33 and below.

static @Nullable Parcelable[]
<T> readParcelableArrayTyped(
    @NonNull Parcel in,
    @Nullable ClassLoader loader,
    @NonNull Class<T> clazz

Same as readParcelableArray but accepts clazz parameter as the type required for each item.

static @Nullable Parcelable.Creator<T>
@RequiresApi(value = 30)
<T> readParcelableCreator(
    @NonNull Parcel in,
    @Nullable ClassLoader loader,
    @NonNull Class<T> clazz

Same as readParcelableCreator but accepts clazz parameter as the required type.

static @NonNull List<T>
@RequiresApi(api = Build.VERSION_CODES.Q)
<T> readParcelableList(
    @NonNull Parcel in,
    @NonNull List<T> list,
    @Nullable ClassLoader cl,
    @NonNull Class<T> clazz

Same as readParcelableList but accepts clazz parameter as the type required for each item.

static @Nullable T
<T extends Serializable> readSerializable(
    @NonNull Parcel in,
    @Nullable ClassLoader loader,
    @NonNull Class<T> clazz

Same as readSerializable but accepts loader parameter as the primary classLoader for resolving the Serializable class; and clazz parameter as the required type.

static @Nullable SparseArray<T>
<T> readSparseArray(
    @NonNull Parcel in,
    @Nullable ClassLoader loader,
    @NonNull Class<T> clazz

Same as readSparseArray but accepts clazz parameter as the type required for each item.

static void
writeBoolean(@NonNull Parcel out, boolean value)

Write a boolean value into the parcel at the current fdataPosition, growing dataCapacity if needed.

Public methods


Added in 1.9.0
public static @Nullable Object[] <T> readArray(
    @NonNull Parcel in,
    @Nullable ClassLoader loader,
    @NonNull Class<T> clazz

Same as readArray but accepts clazz parameter as the type required for each item. Compatibility behavior:

  • SDK 34 and later, this method matches platform behavior.
  • SDK 33 and below, this method will not check the array elements' types.

Throws BadParcelableException if the item to be deserialized is not an instance of that class or any of its children classes or there was an error trying to instantiate an element.


Added in 1.9.0
public static @Nullable ArrayList<T> <T> readArrayList(
    @NonNull Parcel in,
    @Nullable ClassLoader loader,
    @NonNull Class<T> clazz

Same as readArrayList but accepts clazz parameter as the type required for each item. Compatibility behavior:

  • SDK 34 and later, this method matches platform behavior.
  • SDK 33 and below, this method will not check the list elements' types.

Throws BadParcelableException if the item to be deserialized is not an instance of that class or any of its children classes or there was an error trying to instantiate an element.


Added in 1.1.0
public static boolean readBoolean(@NonNull Parcel in)

Read a boolean value from the parcel at the current dataPosition.


Added in 1.9.0
public static @Nullable HashMap<K, V> <K, V> readHashMap(
    @NonNull Parcel in,
    @Nullable ClassLoader loader,
    @NonNull Class<K> clazzKey,
    @NonNull Class<V> clazzValue

Same as readHashMap but accepts clazzKey and clazzValue parameter as the types required for each key and value pair. Compatibility behavior:

  • SDK 34 and later, this method matches platform behavior.
  • SDK 33 and below, this method will not check the map entries' types.

if the item to be deserialized is not an instance of that class or any of its children class.


Added in 1.9.0
public static void <T> readList(
    @NonNull Parcel in,
    @NonNull List<T> outVal,
    @Nullable ClassLoader loader,
    @NonNull Class<T> clazz

Same as readList but accepts clazz parameter as the type required for each item. Compatibility behavior:

  • SDK 34 and later, this method matches platform behavior.
  • SDK 33 and below, this method will not check the list elements' types.

Throws BadParcelableException if the item to be deserialized is not an instance of that class or any of its children classes or there was an error trying to instantiate an element.


Added in 1.9.0
public static void <K, V> readMap(
    @NonNull Parcel in,
    @NonNull Map<K, V> outVal,
    @Nullable ClassLoader loader,
    @NonNull Class<K> clazzKey,
    @NonNull Class<V> clazzValue

Same as readMap but accepts clazzKey and clazzValue parameter as the types required for each key and value pair. Compatibility behavior:

  • SDK 34 and later, this method matches platform behavior.
  • SDK 33 and below, this method will not check the map entries' types.

If the item to be deserialized is not an instance of that class or any of its children class.


Added in 1.9.0
public static @Nullable T <T extends Parcelable> readParcelable(
    @NonNull Parcel in,
    @Nullable ClassLoader loader,
    @NonNull Class<T> clazz

Same as readParcelable but accepts clazz parameter as the type required for each item. Compatibility behavior:

  • SDK 34 and later, this method matches platform behavior.
  • SDK 33 and below, the object type is checked after deserialization.

Throws BadParcelableException if the item to be deserialized is not an instance of that class or any of its children classes or there was an error trying to instantiate an element.


Added in 1.9.0
Deprecated in 1.10.0
public static @Nullable T[] <T> readParcelableArray(
    @NonNull Parcel in,
    @Nullable ClassLoader loader,
    @NonNull Class<T> clazz

Same as readParcelableArray but accepts clazz parameter as the type required for each item. Compatibility behavior:

  • SDK 34 and later, this method matches platform behavior.
  • SDK 33 and below, this method will not check the array elements' types.

Throws BadParcelableException if the item to be deserialized is not an instance of that class or any of its children classes or there was an error trying to instantiate an element.


Added in 1.10.0
public static @Nullable Parcelable[] <T> readParcelableArrayTyped(
    @NonNull Parcel in,
    @Nullable ClassLoader loader,
    @NonNull Class<T> clazz

Same as readParcelableArray but accepts clazz parameter as the type required for each item. Compatibility behavior:

  • SDK 34 and later, this method matches platform behavior.
  • SDK 33 and below, this method will not check the array elements' types.

Throws BadParcelableException if the item to be deserialized is not an instance of that class or any of its children classes or there was an error trying to instantiate an element.


Added in 1.9.0
@RequiresApi(value = 30)
public static @Nullable Parcelable.Creator<T> <T> readParcelableCreator(
    @NonNull Parcel in,
    @Nullable ClassLoader loader,
    @NonNull Class<T> clazz

Same as readParcelableCreator but accepts clazz parameter as the required type. Compatibility behavior:

  • SDK 34 and later, this method matches platform behavior.
  • SDK 33 and below, this method will not check the creator's type.

Throws BadParcelableException if the item to be deserialized is not an instance of that class or any of its children classes or there there was an error trying to read the Parcelable.Creator.


Added in 1.9.0
@RequiresApi(api = Build.VERSION_CODES.Q)
public static @NonNull List<T> <T> readParcelableList(
    @NonNull Parcel in,
    @NonNull List<T> list,
    @Nullable ClassLoader cl,
    @NonNull Class<T> clazz

Same as readParcelableList but accepts clazz parameter as the type required for each item. Compatibility behavior:

  • SDK 34 and later, this method matches platform behavior.
  • SDK 33 and below, this method will not check the list elements' types.

Throws BadParcelableException if the item to be deserialized is not an instance of that class or any of its children classes or there was an error trying to instantiate an element.


Added in 1.9.0
public static @Nullable T <T extends Serializable> readSerializable(
    @NonNull Parcel in,
    @Nullable ClassLoader loader,
    @NonNull Class<T> clazz

Same as readSerializable but accepts loader parameter as the primary classLoader for resolving the Serializable class; and clazz parameter as the required type. Compatibility behavior:

  • SDK 33 and later, this method matches platform behavior.
  • SDK 32 and below, this method will not check the item's type.

Throws BadParcelableException if the item to be deserialized is not an instance of that class or any of its children class or there there was an error deserializing the object.


Added in 1.9.0
public static @Nullable SparseArray<T> <T> readSparseArray(
    @NonNull Parcel in,
    @Nullable ClassLoader loader,
    @NonNull Class<T> clazz

Same as readSparseArray but accepts clazz parameter as the type required for each item. Compatibility behavior:

  • SDK 34 and later, this method matches platform behavior.
  • SDK 33 and below, this method will not check the array elements' types.

Throws BadParcelableException if the item to be deserialized is not an instance of that class or any of its children classes or there was an error trying to instantiate an element.


Added in 1.1.0
public static void writeBoolean(@NonNull Parcel out, boolean value)

Write a boolean value into the parcel at the current fdataPosition, growing dataCapacity if needed.