
Added in 1.5.0

public interface WindowInsetsControllerCompat.OnControllableInsetsChangedListener

Listener to be notified when the set of controllable WindowInsetsCompat.Type controlled by a WindowInsetsController changes.

Once a WindowInsetsCompat.Type becomes controllable, the app will be able to control the window that is causing this type of insets by calling controlWindowInsetsAnimation.

Note: When listening to cancellability of the ime, controlWindowInsetsAnimation may still fail in case the InputMethodService decides to cancel the show request. This could happen when there is a hardware keyboard attached.


Public methods

abstract void
    @NonNull WindowInsetsControllerCompat controller,
    int typeMask

Called when the set of controllable WindowInsetsCompat.Type changes.

Public methods


Added in 1.5.0
abstract void onControllableInsetsChanged(
    @NonNull WindowInsetsControllerCompat controller,
    int typeMask

Called when the set of controllable WindowInsetsCompat.Type changes.

@NonNull WindowInsetsControllerCompat controller

The controller for which the set of controllable WindowInsetsCompat.Types are changing.

int typeMask

Bitwise behavior type-mask of the WindowInsetsCompat.Types the controller is currently able to control.