
public class SubtitleParser.OutputOptions

Options to control the output behavior of SubtitleParser methods that emit their output incrementally using a Consumer provided by the caller.


Public fields

final boolean

Whether to eventually emit all cues, or only those after startTimeUs.

final long

Cues after this time (inclusive) will be emitted first.

Public methods

static SubtitleParser.OutputOptions

Output all CuesWithTiming instances.

static SubtitleParser.OutputOptions

Output CuesWithTiming where startTimeUs is at least startTimeUs, followed by the remaining CuesWithTiming instances.

static SubtitleParser.OutputOptions
onlyCuesAfter(long startTimeUs)

Only output CuesWithTiming instances where startTimeUs is at least startTimeUs.

Public fields


public final boolean outputAllCues

Whether to eventually emit all cues, or only those after startTimeUs. Ignored if startTimeUs is not set.


public final long startTimeUs

Cues after this time (inclusive) will be emitted first. Cues before this time might be emitted later, depending on outputAllCues. Can be TIME_UNSET to emit all cues.

Public methods


public static SubtitleParser.OutputOptions allCues()

Output all CuesWithTiming instances.


public static SubtitleParser.OutputOptions cuesAfterThenRemainingCuesBefore(long startTimeUs)

Output CuesWithTiming where startTimeUs is at least startTimeUs, followed by the remaining CuesWithTiming instances.

Beyond this, the order in which CuesWithTiming instances are emitted is not defined.


public static SubtitleParser.OutputOptions onlyCuesAfter(long startTimeUs)

Only output CuesWithTiming instances where startTimeUs is at least startTimeUs.

The order in which CuesWithTiming instances are emitted is not defined.