
public class TracingConfig

Holds tracing configuration information and predefined settings for TracingController.

This class is functionally equivalent to android.webkit.TracingConfig.


Nested types

Builder used to create TracingConfig objects.


static final int

Predefined set of categories, includes all categories enabled by default in chromium.

static final int

Predefined set of categories typically useful for analyzing WebViews.

static final int

Predefined set of categories for studying difficult rendering performance problems.

static final int

Predefined set of categories for analyzing input latency issues.

static final int

Predefined set of categories for analyzing javascript and rendering issues.

static final int

Indicates that there are no predefined categories.

static final int

Predefined set of categories for analyzing rendering issues.

static final int

Predefined set of categories typically useful for web developers.

static final int

Record trace events continuously using an internal ring buffer.

static final int

Record trace events until the internal tracing buffer is full.

Public methods

@NonNull List<String>

Returns the list of included custom category patterns for this configuration.


Returns a bitmask of the predefined category sets of this configuration.


Returns the tracing mode of this configuration.



Added in 1.1.0
public static final int CATEGORIES_ALL = 1

Predefined set of categories, includes all categories enabled by default in chromium. Use with caution: this setting may produce large trace output.


Added in 1.1.0
public static final int CATEGORIES_ANDROID_WEBVIEW = 2

Predefined set of categories typically useful for analyzing WebViews. Typically includes "android_webview" and "Java" categories.


Added in 1.1.0
public static final int CATEGORIES_FRAME_VIEWER = 64

Predefined set of categories for studying difficult rendering performance problems. Typically includes "blink", "compositor", "gpu", "renderer.scheduler", "v8" and some other compositor categories which are disabled by default.


Added in 1.1.0
public static final int CATEGORIES_INPUT_LATENCY = 8

Predefined set of categories for analyzing input latency issues. Typically includes "input", "renderer.scheduler" categories..


Added in 1.1.0
public static final int CATEGORIES_JAVASCRIPT_AND_RENDERING = 32

Predefined set of categories for analyzing javascript and rendering issues. Typically includes "blink", "compositor", "gpu", "renderer.scheduler" and "v8" categories.


Added in 1.1.0
public static final int CATEGORIES_NONE = 0

Indicates that there are no predefined categories.


Added in 1.1.0
public static final int CATEGORIES_RENDERING = 16

Predefined set of categories for analyzing rendering issues. Typically includes "blink", "compositor" and "gpu" categories.


Added in 1.1.0
public static final int CATEGORIES_WEB_DEVELOPER = 4

Predefined set of categories typically useful for web developers. Typically includes "blink", "compositor", "renderer.scheduler" and "v8" categories.


Added in 1.1.0
public static final int RECORD_CONTINUOUSLY = 1

Record trace events continuously using an internal ring buffer. Default tracing mode.

Overwrites old events if they exceed buffer capacity. Uses less memory than the RECORD_UNTIL_FULL mode. Depending on the implementation typically allows up to 64k events to be stored.


Added in 1.1.0
public static final int RECORD_UNTIL_FULL = 0

Record trace events until the internal tracing buffer is full.

Typically the buffer memory usage is larger than RECORD_CONTINUOUSLY. Depending on the implementation typically allows up to 256k events to be stored.

Public methods


Added in 1.1.0
public @NonNull List<StringgetCustomIncludedCategories()

Returns the list of included custom category patterns for this configuration.

@NonNull List<String>

Empty list if no custom category patterns are specified.


Added in 1.1.0
public int getPredefinedCategories()

Returns a bitmask of the predefined category sets of this configuration.


Bitmask of predefined category sets.


Added in 1.1.0
public int getTracingMode()

Returns the tracing mode of this configuration.


The tracing mode of this configuration.