
@Target(allowedTargets = )
@Retention(value = AnnotationRetention.BINARY)
public annotation Junction

Declares a junction to be used for joining a relationship.

If a Relation should use an associative table (also know as junction table or join table) then you can use this annotation to reference such table. This is useful for fetching many-to-many relations.

@Entity(primaryKeys = {"pId", "sId"})
public class PlaylistSongXRef {
val pId: Int,
val sId: Int
public class PlaylistWithSongs {
val playlist: Playlist
parentColumn = "playlistId",
entity = Song::class,
entityColumn = "songId",
associateBy = Junction(
value = PlaylistSongXRef::class,
parentColumn = "pId",
entityColumn = "sId")
val songs: List<String>

public interface MusicDao {
@Query("SELECT * FROM Playlist")
val getAllPlaylistsWithSongs(): List<PlaylistWithSongs>

In the above example the many-to-many relationship between a Song and a Playlist has an associative table defined by the entity PlaylistSongXRef.

See also


Public constructors

    @NonNull KClass<@NonNull ?> value,
    @NonNull String parentColumn,
    @NonNull String entityColumn

Public methods

final @NonNull String

The junction column that will be used to match against the Relation.entityColumn.

final @NonNull String

The junction column that will be used to match against the Relation.parentColumn.

final @NonNull KClass<@NonNull ?>

An entity or database view to be used as a junction table when fetching the relating entities.

Public constructors


public Junction(
    @NonNull KClass<@NonNull ?> value,
    @NonNull String parentColumn,
    @NonNull String entityColumn

Public methods


public final @NonNull String getEntityColumn()

The junction column that will be used to match against the Relation.entityColumn.

If not specified it defaults to Relation.entityColumn.


public final @NonNull String getParentColumn()

The junction column that will be used to match against the Relation.parentColumn.

If not specified it defaults to Relation.parentColumn.


public final @NonNull KClass<@NonNull ?> getValue()

An entity or database view to be used as a junction table when fetching the relating entities.

@NonNull KClass<@NonNull ?>

The entity or database view to be used as a junction table.