
value public final class SavedStateWriter

An inline class that encapsulates an opaque SavedState, and provides an API for writing the platform specific state.

See also


Public methods

final void

Removes all key-value pairs from the SavedState.

final void

Stores all key-value pairs from the provided SavedState into this SavedState.

final void
putBoolean(@NonNull String key, boolean value)

Stores a boolean value associated with the specified key in the SavedState.

final void
putDouble(@NonNull String key, double value)

Stores a double value associated with the specified key in the SavedState.

final void
putFloat(@NonNull String key, float value)

Stores a float value associated with the specified key in the SavedState.

final void
putInt(@NonNull String key, int value)

Stores an int value associated with the specified key in the SavedState.

final void

Stores a list of elements of Int associated with the specified key in the SavedState.

final void
<T extends Parcelable> putParcelable(@NonNull String key, @NonNull T value)

Stores an Parcelable value associated with the specified key in the SavedState.

final void
<T extends Parcelable> putParcelableList(
    @NonNull String key,
    @NonNull List<@NonNull T> values

Stores a list of elements of Parcelable associated with the specified key in the SavedState.

final void

Stores a SavedState object associated with the specified key in the SavedState.

final void

Stores a string value associated with the specified key in the SavedState.

final void

Stores a list of elements of String associated with the specified key in the SavedState.

final void

Removes the value associated with the specified key from the SavedState.

Extension functions

final @NonNull T
<T extends Object>
    @NonNull SavedStateWriter receiver,
    @ExtensionFunctionType @NonNull Function1<@NonNull SavedStateReader, @NonNull T> block

Calls the specified function block with a SavedStateReader value as its receiver and returns the block value.

Public methods


Added in 1.3.0-alpha03
public final void clear()

Removes all key-value pairs from the SavedState.


public final void putAll(@NonNull SavedState values)

Stores all key-value pairs from the provided SavedState into this SavedState.

@NonNull SavedState values

The SavedState containing the key-value pairs to add.


Added in 1.3.0-alpha03
public final void putBoolean(@NonNull String key, boolean value)

Stores a boolean value associated with the specified key in the SavedState.

@NonNull String key

The key to associate the value with.

boolean value

The boolean value to store.


Added in 1.3.0-alpha03
public final void putDouble(@NonNull String key, double value)

Stores a double value associated with the specified key in the SavedState.

@NonNull String key

The key to associate the value with.

double value

The double value to store.


Added in 1.3.0-alpha03
public final void putFloat(@NonNull String key, float value)

Stores a float value associated with the specified key in the SavedState.

@NonNull String key

The key to associate the value with.

float value

The float value to store.


Added in 1.3.0-alpha03
public final void putInt(@NonNull String key, int value)

Stores an int value associated with the specified key in the SavedState.

@NonNull String key

The key to associate the value with.

int value

The int value to store.


Added in 1.3.0-alpha03
public final void putIntList(@NonNull String key, @NonNull List<@NonNull Integer> values)

Stores a list of elements of Int associated with the specified key in the SavedState.

@NonNull String key

The key to associate the value with.

@NonNull List<@NonNull Integer> values

The list of elements to store.


public final void <T extends Parcelable> putParcelable(@NonNull String key, @NonNull T value)

Stores an Parcelable value associated with the specified key in the SavedState.

@NonNull String key

The key to associate the value with.

@NonNull T value

The Parcelable value to store.


public final void <T extends Parcelable> putParcelableList(
    @NonNull String key,
    @NonNull List<@NonNull T> values

Stores a list of elements of Parcelable associated with the specified key in the SavedState.

@NonNull String key

The key to associate the value with.

@NonNull List<@NonNull T> values

The list of elements to store.


public final void putSavedState(@NonNull String key, @NonNull SavedState value)

Stores a SavedState object associated with the specified key in the SavedState.

@NonNull String key

The key to associate the value with.

@NonNull SavedState value

The SavedState object to store


Added in 1.3.0-alpha03
public final void putString(@NonNull String key, @NonNull String value)

Stores a string value associated with the specified key in the SavedState.

@NonNull String key

The key to associate the value with.

@NonNull String value

The string value to store.


Added in 1.3.0-alpha03
public final void putStringList(@NonNull String key, @NonNull List<@NonNull String> values)

Stores a list of elements of String associated with the specified key in the SavedState.

@NonNull String key

The key to associate the value with.

@NonNull List<@NonNull String> values

The list of elements to store.


Added in 1.3.0-alpha03
public final void remove(@NonNull String key)

Removes the value associated with the specified key from the SavedState.

@NonNull String key

The key to remove.

Extension functions

public final @NonNull T <T extends Object>
    @NonNull SavedStateWriter receiver,
    @ExtensionFunctionType @NonNull Function1<@NonNull SavedStateReader, @NonNull T> block

Calls the specified function block with a SavedStateReader value as its receiver and returns the block value.

@ExtensionFunctionType @NonNull Function1<@NonNull SavedStateReader, @NonNull T> block

A lambda function that performs read operations using the SavedStateReader.

@NonNull T

The result of the lambda function's execution.