public final class HlsMediaPlaylist extends HlsPlaylist

Represents an HLS media playlist.


Nested types

A media part.

@Retention(value = RetentionPolicy.SOURCE)
@Target(value = TYPE_USE)
@IntDef(value = )
public annotation HlsMediaPlaylist.PlaylistType

Type of the playlist, as defined by #EXT-X-PLAYLIST-TYPE.

A rendition report for an alternative rendition defined in another media playlist.

Media segment reference.

The base for a Segment or a Part required for playback.

Server control attributes.


static final int
static final int
static final int

Public fields

final int

The discontinuity sequence number of the first media segment in the playlist, as defined by #EXT-X-DISCONTINUITY-SEQUENCE.

final long

The total duration of the playlist in microseconds.

final boolean

Whether the playlist contains the #EXT-X-DISCONTINUITY-SEQUENCE tag.

final boolean

Whether the playlist contains the #EXT-X-ENDLIST tag.

final boolean

Whether the startOffsetUs was explicitly defined by #EXT-X-START as a positive value or zero.

final boolean

Whether the playlist contains a #EXT-X-PROGRAM-DATE-TIME tag.

final long

The media sequence number of the first media segment in the playlist, as defined by #EXT-X-MEDIA-SEQUENCE.

final long

The target duration for segment parts, as defined by #EXT-X-PART-INF, or TIME_UNSET if undefined.

final int

The type of the playlist.

final boolean

Whether the start position should be precise, as defined by #EXT-X-START.

final @Nullable DrmInitData

Contains the CDM protection schemes used by segments in this playlist.

final Map<UriHlsMediaPlaylist.RenditionReport>

The rendition reports of alternative rendition playlists.

final List<HlsMediaPlaylist.Segment>

The list of segments in the playlist.

final HlsMediaPlaylist.ServerControl

The attributes of the #EXT-X-SERVER-CONTROL header.

final long

The start offset in microseconds from the beginning of the playlist, as defined by #EXT-X-START, or TIME_UNSET if undefined.

final long

If hasProgramDateTime is true, contains the datetime as microseconds since epoch.

final long

The target duration in microseconds, as defined by #EXT-X-TARGETDURATION.

final List<HlsMediaPlaylist.Part>

The list of parts at the end of the playlist for which the segment is not in the playlist yet.

final int

The compatibility version, as defined by #EXT-X-VERSION.

Public constructors

    @HlsMediaPlaylist.PlaylistType int playlistType,
    String baseUri,
    List<String> tags,
    long startOffsetUs,
    boolean preciseStart,
    long startTimeUs,
    boolean hasDiscontinuitySequence,
    int discontinuitySequence,
    long mediaSequence,
    int version,
    long targetDurationUs,
    long partTargetDurationUs,
    boolean hasIndependentSegments,
    boolean hasEndTag,
    boolean hasProgramDateTime,
    @Nullable DrmInitData protectionSchemes,
    List<HlsMediaPlaylist.Segment> segments,
    List<HlsMediaPlaylist.Part> trailingParts,
    HlsMediaPlaylist.ServerControl serverControl,
    Map<UriHlsMediaPlaylist.RenditionReport> renditionReports

Constructs an instance.

Public methods

copy(List<StreamKey> streamKeys)

Returns a copy of the manifest including only the streams specified by the given keys.

copyWith(long startTimeUs, int discontinuitySequence)

Returns a playlist identical to this one except for the start time, the discontinuity sequence and hasDiscontinuitySequence values.


Returns a playlist identical to this one except that an end tag is added.


Returns the result of adding the duration of the playlist to its start time.


Returns whether this playlist is newer than other.

Inherited fields

From androidx.media3.exoplayer.hls.playlist.HlsPlaylist
final String

The base uri.

final boolean

Whether the media is formed of independent segments, as defined by the #EXT-X-INDEPENDENT-SEGMENTS tag.

final List<String>

The list of tags in the playlist.



public static final int PLAYLIST_TYPE_EVENT = 2


public static final int PLAYLIST_TYPE_UNKNOWN = 0


public static final int PLAYLIST_TYPE_VOD = 1

Public fields


public final int discontinuitySequence

The discontinuity sequence number of the first media segment in the playlist, as defined by #EXT-X-DISCONTINUITY-SEQUENCE.


public final long durationUs

The total duration of the playlist in microseconds.


public final boolean hasDiscontinuitySequence

Whether the playlist contains the #EXT-X-DISCONTINUITY-SEQUENCE tag.


public final boolean hasEndTag

Whether the playlist contains the #EXT-X-ENDLIST tag.


public final boolean hasPositiveStartOffset

Whether the startOffsetUs was explicitly defined by #EXT-X-START as a positive value or zero.


public final boolean hasProgramDateTime

Whether the playlist contains a #EXT-X-PROGRAM-DATE-TIME tag.


public final long mediaSequence

The media sequence number of the first media segment in the playlist, as defined by #EXT-X-MEDIA-SEQUENCE.


public final long partTargetDurationUs

The target duration for segment parts, as defined by #EXT-X-PART-INF, or TIME_UNSET if undefined.


public final int playlistType

The type of the playlist. See PlaylistType.


public final boolean preciseStart

Whether the start position should be precise, as defined by #EXT-X-START.


public final @Nullable DrmInitData protectionSchemes

Contains the CDM protection schemes used by segments in this playlist. Does not contain any key acquisition data. Null if none of the segments in the playlist is CDM-encrypted.


public final Map<UriHlsMediaPlaylist.RenditionReportrenditionReports

The rendition reports of alternative rendition playlists.


public final List<HlsMediaPlaylist.Segmentsegments

The list of segments in the playlist.


public final HlsMediaPlaylist.ServerControl serverControl

The attributes of the #EXT-X-SERVER-CONTROL header.


public final long startOffsetUs

The start offset in microseconds from the beginning of the playlist, as defined by #EXT-X-START, or TIME_UNSET if undefined. The value is guaranteed to be between 0 and durationUs, inclusive.


public final long startTimeUs

If hasProgramDateTime is true, contains the datetime as microseconds since epoch. Otherwise, contains the aggregated duration of removed segments up to this snapshot of the playlist.


public final long targetDurationUs

The target duration in microseconds, as defined by #EXT-X-TARGETDURATION.


public final List<HlsMediaPlaylist.ParttrailingParts

The list of parts at the end of the playlist for which the segment is not in the playlist yet.


public final int version

The compatibility version, as defined by #EXT-X-VERSION.

Public constructors


public HlsMediaPlaylist(
    @HlsMediaPlaylist.PlaylistType int playlistType,
    String baseUri,
    List<String> tags,
    long startOffsetUs,
    boolean preciseStart,
    long startTimeUs,
    boolean hasDiscontinuitySequence,
    int discontinuitySequence,
    long mediaSequence,
    int version,
    long targetDurationUs,
    long partTargetDurationUs,
    boolean hasIndependentSegments,
    boolean hasEndTag,
    boolean hasProgramDateTime,
    @Nullable DrmInitData protectionSchemes,
    List<HlsMediaPlaylist.Segment> segments,
    List<HlsMediaPlaylist.Part> trailingParts,
    HlsMediaPlaylist.ServerControl serverControl,
    Map<UriHlsMediaPlaylist.RenditionReport> renditionReports

Constructs an instance.

@HlsMediaPlaylist.PlaylistType int playlistType

See playlistType.

String baseUri

See baseUri.

List<String> tags

See tags.

long startOffsetUs

See startOffsetUs.

boolean preciseStart

See preciseStart.

long startTimeUs

See startTimeUs.

boolean hasDiscontinuitySequence

See hasDiscontinuitySequence.

int discontinuitySequence

See discontinuitySequence.

long mediaSequence

See mediaSequence.

int version

See version.

long targetDurationUs

See targetDurationUs.

long partTargetDurationUs

See partTargetDurationUs.

boolean hasIndependentSegments

See hasIndependentSegments.

boolean hasEndTag

See hasEndTag.

boolean hasProgramDateTime

See hasProgramDateTime.

@Nullable DrmInitData protectionSchemes

See protectionSchemes.

List<HlsMediaPlaylist.Segment> segments

See segments.

List<HlsMediaPlaylist.Part> trailingParts

See trailingParts.

HlsMediaPlaylist.ServerControl serverControl

See serverControl

Map<UriHlsMediaPlaylist.RenditionReport> renditionReports

See renditionReports.

Public methods


public HlsMediaPlaylist copy(List<StreamKey> streamKeys)

Returns a copy of the manifest including only the streams specified by the given keys. If the manifest is unchanged then the instance may return itself.

List<StreamKey> streamKeys

A non-empty list of stream keys.


The filtered manifest.


public HlsMediaPlaylist copyWith(long startTimeUs, int discontinuitySequence)

Returns a playlist identical to this one except for the start time, the discontinuity sequence and hasDiscontinuitySequence values. The first two are set to the specified values, hasDiscontinuitySequence is set to true.

long startTimeUs

The start time for the returned playlist.

int discontinuitySequence

The discontinuity sequence for the returned playlist.


An identical playlist including the provided discontinuity and timing information.


public HlsMediaPlaylist copyWithEndTag()

Returns a playlist identical to this one except that an end tag is added. If an end tag is already present then the playlist will return itself.


public long getEndTimeUs()

Returns the result of adding the duration of the playlist to its start time.


public boolean isNewerThan(@Nullable HlsMediaPlaylist other)

Returns whether this playlist is newer than other.

@Nullable HlsMediaPlaylist other

The playlist to compare.


Whether this playlist is newer than other.