public final class SeekParameters

Parameters that apply to seeking.

The predefined EXACT, CLOSEST_SYNC, PREVIOUS_SYNC and NEXT_SYNC parameters are suitable for most use cases. Seeking to sync points is typically faster but less accurate than exact seeking.

In the general case, an instance specifies a maximum tolerance before (toleranceBeforeUs) and after (toleranceAfterUs) a requested seek position (x). If one or more sync points falls within the window [x - toleranceBeforeUs, x + toleranceAfterUs] then the seek will be performed to the sync point within the window that's closest to x. If no sync point falls within the window then the seek will be performed to x - toleranceBeforeUs. Internally the player may need to seek to an earlier sync point and discard media until this position is reached.



static final SeekParameters

Parameters for seeking to the closest sync point.

static final SeekParameters

Default parameters.

static final SeekParameters

Parameters for exact seeking.

static final SeekParameters

Parameters for seeking to the sync point immediately after a requested seek position.

static final SeekParameters

Parameters for seeking to the sync point immediately before a requested seek position.

Public fields

final long

The maximum time that the actual position seeked to may exceed the requested seek position, in microseconds.

final long

The maximum time that the actual position seeked to may precede the requested seek position, in microseconds.

Public constructors

SeekParameters(long toleranceBeforeUs, long toleranceAfterUs)

Public methods

    long positionUs,
    long firstSyncUs,
    long secondSyncUs

Resolves a seek based on the parameters, given the requested seek position and two candidate sync points.



public static final SeekParameters CLOSEST_SYNC

Parameters for seeking to the closest sync point.


public static final SeekParameters DEFAULT

Default parameters.


public static final SeekParameters EXACT

Parameters for exact seeking.


public static final SeekParameters NEXT_SYNC

Parameters for seeking to the sync point immediately after a requested seek position.


public static final SeekParameters PREVIOUS_SYNC

Parameters for seeking to the sync point immediately before a requested seek position.

Public fields


public final long toleranceAfterUs

The maximum time that the actual position seeked to may exceed the requested seek position, in microseconds.


public final long toleranceBeforeUs

The maximum time that the actual position seeked to may precede the requested seek position, in microseconds.

Public constructors


public SeekParameters(long toleranceBeforeUs, long toleranceAfterUs)
long toleranceBeforeUs

The maximum time that the actual position seeked to may precede the requested seek position, in microseconds. Must be non-negative.

long toleranceAfterUs

The maximum time that the actual position seeked to may exceed the requested seek position, in microseconds. Must be non-negative.

Public methods


public boolean equals(@Nullable Object obj)


public int hashCode()


public long resolveSeekPositionUs(
    long positionUs,
    long firstSyncUs,
    long secondSyncUs

Resolves a seek based on the parameters, given the requested seek position and two candidate sync points.

long positionUs

The requested seek position, in microseconds.

long firstSyncUs

The first candidate seek point, in microseconds.

long secondSyncUs

The second candidate seek point, in microseconds. May equal firstSyncUs if there's only one candidate.


The resolved seek position, in microseconds.