
public final class DefaultVideoFrameProcessor.Factory implements VideoFrameProcessor.Factory

A factory for DefaultVideoFrameProcessor instances.


Nested types

A builder for DefaultVideoFrameProcessor.Factory instances.

Public methods

    Context context,
    DebugViewProvider debugViewProvider,
    ColorInfo outputColorInfo,
    boolean renderFramesAutomatically,
    Executor listenerExecutor,
    VideoFrameProcessor.Listener listener

Creates a new instance.

Public methods


public DefaultVideoFrameProcessor create(
    Context context,
    DebugViewProvider debugViewProvider,
    ColorInfo outputColorInfo,
    boolean renderFramesAutomatically,
    Executor listenerExecutor,
    VideoFrameProcessor.Listener listener

Creates a new instance.

Using HDR outputColorInfo requires OpenGL ES 3.0.

If outputting HDR content to a display, EGL_GL_COLORSPACE_BT2020_PQ_EXT or EGL_GL_COLORSPACE_BT2020_HLG_EXT is required.

outputColorInfo's colorRange values are currently ignored, in favor of COLOR_RANGE_FULL.

If outputColorInfois HDR, the context will be configured with EGL_CONFIG_ATTRIBUTES_RGBA_1010102. Otherwise, the context will be configured with EGL_CONFIG_ATTRIBUTES_RGBA_8888.

If invoking the listener on DefaultVideoFrameProcessor's internal thread is desired, pass a direct listenerExecutor.

If texture output is set, setOutputSurfaceInfo and renderOutputFrame will be no-ops, and renderFramesAutomatically will behave as if it is set to true.