
public class FocusMeteringAction.Builder

The builder used to create the FocusMeteringAction.


Public constructors

Creates a Builder from a MeteringPoint with default mode FLAG_AF | FLAG_AE | FLAG_AWB.

Builder(@NonNull MeteringPoint point, int meteringMode)

Creates a Builder from a MeteringPoint and MeteringMode.

Public methods

@NonNull FocusMeteringAction.Builder

Adds another MeteringPoint with default metering mode FLAG_AF | FLAG_AE | FLAG_AWB.

@NonNull FocusMeteringAction.Builder
addPoint(@NonNull MeteringPoint point, int meteringMode)

Adds another MeteringPoint with specified meteringMode.

@NonNull FocusMeteringAction

Builds the FocusMeteringAction instance.

@NonNull FocusMeteringAction.Builder

Disables the auto-cancel.

@NonNull FocusMeteringAction.Builder
    @IntRange(from = 1) long duration,
    @NonNull TimeUnit timeUnit

Sets the auto-cancel duration.

Public constructors


Added in 1.0.0
public Builder(@NonNull MeteringPoint point)

Creates a Builder from a MeteringPoint with default mode FLAG_AF | FLAG_AE | FLAG_AWB.


Added in 1.0.0
public Builder(@NonNull MeteringPoint point, int meteringMode)

Creates a Builder from a MeteringPoint and MeteringMode.

Metering mode is a combination of flags consisting of FLAG_AF, FLAG_AE, and FLAG_AWB. This combination indicates whether the MeteringPoint is used to set AF(Auto Focus) region, AE(Auto Exposure) region or AWB(Auto White Balance) region.

Public methods


Added in 1.0.0
public @NonNull FocusMeteringAction.Builder addPoint(@NonNull MeteringPoint point)

Adds another MeteringPoint with default metering mode FLAG_AF | FLAG_AE | FLAG_AWB.

The points added here will be appended in order after the point set in builder constructor.

If more points are added than what current device supports for AF/AE/AWB, only the first point and then in order up to the number of points supported on the device will be enabled.

If none of the points is supported on the device, this FocusMeteringAction will cause startFocusAndMetering to fail.


Added in 1.0.0
public @NonNull FocusMeteringAction.Builder addPoint(@NonNull MeteringPoint point, int meteringMode)

Adds another MeteringPoint with specified meteringMode.

Metering mode is a combination of flags consisting of FLAG_AF, FLAG_AE, and FLAG_AWB. This combination indicates whether the MeteringPoint is used to set AF(Auto Focus) region, AE(Auto Exposure) region or AWB(Auto White Balance) region.

The points added here will be appended in order after the point set in builder constructor.

If more points are added than what current device supports for AF/AE/AWB, only the first point and then in order up to the number of points supported on the device will be enabled.

If none of the points is supported on the device, this FocusMeteringAction will cause startFocusAndMetering to fail.


Added in 1.0.0
public @NonNull FocusMeteringAction build()

Builds the FocusMeteringAction instance.


Added in 1.0.0
public @NonNull FocusMeteringAction.Builder disableAutoCancel()

Disables the auto-cancel.


Added in 1.0.0
public @NonNull FocusMeteringAction.Builder setAutoCancelDuration(
    @IntRange(from = 1) long duration,
    @NonNull TimeUnit timeUnit

Sets the auto-cancel duration. After set, cancelFocusAndMetering will be called in specified duration. By default, auto-cancel is enabled with 5 seconds duration. The duration must be greater than or equal to 1 otherwise it will throw a IllegalArgumentException.