
public final class OverlaySettings

Contains information to control how an input texture (for example, a VideoCompositor or TextureOverlay) is displayed on a background.


Nested types

public final class OverlaySettings.Builder

A builder for OverlaySettings instances.

Public fields

final float

The alpha scale value of the overlay, altering its translucency.

final Pair<FloatFloat>

The coordinates for the anchor point of the overlay within the background frame.

final float

The luminance multiplier of an SDR overlay when overlaid on a HDR frame.

final Pair<FloatFloat>

The coordinates for the anchor point of the overlay frame.

final float

The rotation of the overlay, counter-clockwise.

final Pair<FloatFloat>

The scaling of the overlay.

Public fields


public final float alphaScale

The alpha scale value of the overlay, altering its translucency.


public final Pair<FloatFloatbackgroundFrameAnchor

The coordinates for the anchor point of the overlay within the background frame.


public final float hdrLuminanceMultiplier

The luminance multiplier of an SDR overlay when overlaid on a HDR frame.


public final Pair<FloatFloatoverlayFrameAnchor

The coordinates for the anchor point of the overlay frame.


public final float rotationDegrees

The rotation of the overlay, counter-clockwise.


public final Pair<FloatFloatscale

The scaling of the overlay.