Added in API level 8


open class BackupDataInput

Provides the structured interface through which a BackupAgent reads information from the backup data set, via its onRestore() method. The data is presented as a set of "entities," each representing one named record as previously stored by the agent's,,ParcelFileDescriptor) implementation. An entity is composed of a descriptive header plus a byte array that holds the raw data saved in the remote backup.

The agent must consume every entity in the data stream, otherwise the restored state of the application will be incomplete.


A typical,int,ParcelFileDescriptor) implementation might be structured something like this:

public void onRestore(BackupDataInput data, int appVersionCode,
                        ParcelFileDescriptor newState) {
      while (data.readNextHeader()) {
          String key = data.getKey();
          int dataSize = data.getDataSize();
          if (key.equals(MY_BACKUP_KEY_ONE)) {
              // process this kind of record here
              byte[] buffer = new byte[dataSize];
              data.readEntityData(buffer, 0, dataSize); // reads the entire entity at once
              // now 'buffer' holds the raw data and can be processed however
              // the agent wishes
          } else if (key.equals(MY_BACKUP_KEY_TO_IGNORE) {
              // a key we recognize but wish to discard
          } // ... etc.


Public methods
open Int

Report the size in bytes of the data associated with the current entity in the restore stream.

open String!

Report the key associated with the current entity in the restore stream

open Int
readEntityData(data: ByteArray!, offset: Int, size: Int)

Read a record's raw data from the restore stream.

open Boolean

Extract the next entity header from the restore stream.

open Unit

Consume the current entity's data without extracting it into a buffer for further processing.

Public methods


Added in API level 8
open fun getDataSize(): Int

Report the size in bytes of the data associated with the current entity in the restore stream.

Int The size of the record's raw data, in bytes
java.lang.IllegalStateException if the next record header has not yet been read


Added in API level 8
open fun getKey(): String!

Report the key associated with the current entity in the restore stream

String! the current entity's key string
java.lang.IllegalStateException if the next record header has not yet been read


Added in API level 8
open fun readEntityData(
    data: ByteArray!,
    offset: Int,
    size: Int
): Int

Read a record's raw data from the restore stream. The record's header must first have been processed by the readNextHeader() method. Multiple calls to this method may be made in order to process the data in chunks; not all of it must be read in a single call. Once all of the raw data for the current entity has been read, further calls to this method will simply return zero.

data ByteArray!: An allocated byte array of at least 'size' bytes
offset Int: Offset within the 'data' array at which the data will be placed when read from the stream
size Int: The number of bytes to read in this pass
Int The number of bytes of data read. Once all of the data for this entity has been read, further calls to this method will return zero.
Exceptions if an error occurred when trying to read the restore data stream


Added in API level 8
open fun readNextHeader(): Boolean

Extract the next entity header from the restore stream. After this method return success, the getKey() and getDataSize() methods can be used to inspect the entity that is now available for processing.

Boolean true when there is an entity ready for consumption from the restore stream, false if the restore stream has been fully consumed.
Exceptions if an error occurred while reading the restore stream


Added in API level 8
open fun skipEntityData(): Unit

Consume the current entity's data without extracting it into a buffer for further processing. This allows a to efficiently discard obsolete or otherwise uninteresting records during the restore operation.

Exceptions if an error occurred when trying to read the restore data stream