
class ComplicationSlot

Represents the slot an individual complication on the screen may go in. The number of ComplicationSlots is fixed (see ComplicationSlotsManager) but ComplicationSlots can be enabled or disabled via UserStyleSetting.ComplicationSlotsUserStyleSetting.

Taps on the watch are tested first against each ComplicationSlot's ComplicationSlotBounds.perComplicationTypeBounds for the relevant ComplicationType. Its assumed that ComplicationSlotBounds.perComplicationTypeBounds don't overlap. If no intersection was found then taps are checked against ComplicationSlotBounds.perComplicationTypeBounds expanded by ComplicationSlotBounds.perComplicationTypeMargins. Expanded bounds can overlap so the ComplicationSlot with the lowest id that intersects the coordinates, if any, is selected.


Nested types

Builder for constructing ComplicationSlots.

Public companion functions

    id: Int,
    canvasComplicationFactory: CanvasComplicationFactory,
    supportedTypes: List<ComplicationType>,
    defaultDataSourcePolicy: DefaultComplicationDataSourcePolicy

Constructs a Builder for a complication with bound type ComplicationSlotBoundsType.BACKGROUND whose bounds cover the entire screen.

    id: Int,
    canvasComplicationFactory: CanvasComplicationFactory,
    supportedTypes: List<ComplicationType>,
    defaultDataSourcePolicy: DefaultComplicationDataSourcePolicy,
    bounds: ComplicationSlotBounds,
    complicationTapFilter: ComplicationTapFilter

Constructs a Builder for a complication with bounds type ComplicationSlotBoundsType.EDGE.

    id: Int,
    canvasComplicationFactory: CanvasComplicationFactory,
    supportedTypes: List<ComplicationType>,
    defaultDataSourcePolicy: DefaultComplicationDataSourcePolicy,
    bounds: ComplicationSlotBounds,
    boundingArc: BoundingArc,
    complicationTapFilter: ComplicationTapFilter

Constructs a Builder for a complication with bounds type ComplicationSlotBoundsType.EDGE, whose contents are contained within boundingArc.

    id: Int,
    canvasComplicationFactory: CanvasComplicationFactory,
    supportedTypes: List<ComplicationType>,
    defaultDataSourcePolicy: DefaultComplicationDataSourcePolicy,
    bounds: ComplicationSlotBounds

Constructs a Builder for a complication with bounds type ComplicationSlotBoundsType.ROUND_RECT.

Public functions

computeBounds(screen: Rect, applyMargins: Boolean)

Computes the bounds of the complication by converting the unitSquareBounds of the current complication type to pixels based on the screen's dimensions.

open operator Boolean
equals(other: Any?)
open Int
isActiveAt(instant: Instant)

Whether or not the complication should be considered active and should be rendered at the specified time.

    canvas: Canvas,
    zonedDateTime: ZonedDateTime,
    renderParameters: RenderParameters

Watch faces should use this method to render a complication.

    canvas: Canvas,
    zonedDateTime: ZonedDateTime,
    renderParameters: RenderParameters

Watch faces should use this method to render non-fixed complicationSlots for any highlight layer pass.

Public properties


This is used to determine the order in which accessibility labels for the watch face are read to the user.


The ComplicationSlotBoundsTypeIntDef of the complication slot.


The CanvasComplicationFactory used to generate a CanvasComplication for rendering the complication.


The associated with the ComplicationSlot.


The complication's ComplicationSlotBounds which are converted to pixels during rendering.


Extras to be merged into the Intent sent when invoking the complication data source chooser activity.


The DefaultComplicationDataSourcePolicy which defines the default complicationSlots providers selected when the user hasn't yet made a choice.


This property is deprecated. Use DefaultComplicationDataSourcePolicy.systemDataSourceFallbackDefaultType instead


Whether or not the complication should be drawn and accept taps.


Whether or not the complication data source is fixed (i.e. can't be changed by the user).


The Watch Face's ID for the complication slot.


At creation a complication slot is either enabled or disabled.


The optional ID of string resource (or null if absent) to identify the complication slot on screen in an editor.


The CanvasComplication used to render the complication.


The optional ID of a string resource (or null if absent) for use by a watch face editor to identify the complication slot in a screen reader.


The ComplicationTapFilter used to determine whether or not a tap hit the complication slot.

Public companion functions


fun createBackgroundComplicationSlotBuilder(
    id: Int,
    canvasComplicationFactory: CanvasComplicationFactory,
    supportedTypes: List<ComplicationType>,
    defaultDataSourcePolicy: DefaultComplicationDataSourcePolicy
): ComplicationSlot.Builder

Constructs a Builder for a complication with bound type ComplicationSlotBoundsType.BACKGROUND whose bounds cover the entire screen. A background complication is for watch faces that wish to have a full screen user selectable backdrop. This sort of complication isn't clickable and at most one may be present in the list of complicationSlots.

id: Int

The watch face's ID for this complication. Can be any integer but should be unique within the watch face.

canvasComplicationFactory: CanvasComplicationFactory

The CanvasComplicationFactory to supply the CanvasComplication to use for rendering. Note renderers should not be shared between complicationSlots.

supportedTypes: List<ComplicationType>

The types of complication supported by this ComplicationSlot. Used during complication, this list should be non-empty.

defaultDataSourcePolicy: DefaultComplicationDataSourcePolicy

The DefaultComplicationDataSourcePolicy used to select the initial complication data source when the watch is first installed.


fun createEdgeComplicationSlotBuilder(
    id: Int,
    canvasComplicationFactory: CanvasComplicationFactory,
    supportedTypes: List<ComplicationType>,
    defaultDataSourcePolicy: DefaultComplicationDataSourcePolicy,
    bounds: ComplicationSlotBounds,
    complicationTapFilter: ComplicationTapFilter
): ComplicationSlot.Builder

Constructs a Builder for a complication with bounds type ComplicationSlotBoundsType.EDGE.

An edge complication is drawn around the border of the display and has custom hit test logic (see complicationTapFilter). When tapped the associated intent is dispatched. Edge complicationSlots should have a custom renderer with CanvasComplication.drawHighlight overridden.

Note hit detection in an editor for ComplicationSlots created with this method is not supported.

id: Int

The watch face's ID for this complication. Can be any integer but should be unique within the watch face.

canvasComplicationFactory: CanvasComplicationFactory

The CanvasComplicationFactory to supply the CanvasComplication to use for rendering. Note renderers should not be shared between complicationSlots.

supportedTypes: List<ComplicationType>

The types of complication supported by this ComplicationSlot. Used during complication, this list should be non-empty.

defaultDataSourcePolicy: DefaultComplicationDataSourcePolicy

The DefaultComplicationDataSourcePolicy used to select the initial complication data source when the watch is first installed.

bounds: ComplicationSlotBounds

The complication's ComplicationSlotBounds. Its likely the bounding rect will be much larger than the complication and shouldn't directly be used for hit testing.

complicationTapFilter: ComplicationTapFilter

The ComplicationTapFilter used to determine whether or not a tap hit the complication.


fun createEdgeComplicationSlotBuilder(
    id: Int,
    canvasComplicationFactory: CanvasComplicationFactory,
    supportedTypes: List<ComplicationType>,
    defaultDataSourcePolicy: DefaultComplicationDataSourcePolicy,
    bounds: ComplicationSlotBounds,
    boundingArc: BoundingArc,
    complicationTapFilter: ComplicationTapFilter = object : ComplicationTapFilter { override fun hitTest( complicationSlot: ComplicationSlot, screenBounds: Rect, x: Int, y: Int, @Suppress("UNUSED_PARAMETER") includeMargins: Boolean ) = boundingArc.hitTest( complicationSlot.computeBounds(screenBounds), x.toFloat(), y.toFloat() ) }
): ComplicationSlot.Builder

Constructs a Builder for a complication with bounds type ComplicationSlotBoundsType.EDGE, whose contents are contained within boundingArc.

id: Int

The watch face's ID for this complication. Can be any integer but should be unique within the watch face.

canvasComplicationFactory: CanvasComplicationFactory

The CanvasComplicationFactory to supply the CanvasComplication to use for rendering. Note renderers should not be shared between complicationSlots.

supportedTypes: List<ComplicationType>

The types of complication supported by this ComplicationSlot. Used during complication, this list should be non-empty.

defaultDataSourcePolicy: DefaultComplicationDataSourcePolicy

The DefaultComplicationDataSourcePolicy used to select the initial complication data source when the watch is first installed.

bounds: ComplicationSlotBounds

The complication's ComplicationSlotBounds. Its likely the bounding rect will have a much larger area than boundingArc and shouldn't directly be used for hit testing.

boundingArc: BoundingArc

The BoundingArc defining the geometry of the edge complication.

complicationTapFilter: ComplicationTapFilter = object : ComplicationTapFilter { override fun hitTest( complicationSlot: ComplicationSlot, screenBounds: Rect, x: Int, y: Int, @Suppress("UNUSED_PARAMETER") includeMargins: Boolean ) = boundingArc.hitTest( complicationSlot.computeBounds(screenBounds), x.toFloat(), y.toFloat() ) }

The ComplicationTapFilter used to determine whether or not a tap hit the complication. The default ComplicationTapFilter uses boundingArc to perform hit testing.


fun createRoundRectComplicationSlotBuilder(
    id: Int,
    canvasComplicationFactory: CanvasComplicationFactory,
    supportedTypes: List<ComplicationType>,
    defaultDataSourcePolicy: DefaultComplicationDataSourcePolicy,
    bounds: ComplicationSlotBounds
): ComplicationSlot.Builder

Constructs a Builder for a complication with bounds type ComplicationSlotBoundsType.ROUND_RECT. This is the most common type of complication. These can be tapped by the user to trigger the associated intent.

id: Int

The watch face's ID for this complication. Can be any integer but should be unique within the watch face.

canvasComplicationFactory: CanvasComplicationFactory

The CanvasComplicationFactory to supply the CanvasComplication to use for rendering. Note renderers should not be shared between complicationSlots.

supportedTypes: List<ComplicationType>

The types of complication supported by this ComplicationSlot. Used during complication, this list should be non-empty.

defaultDataSourcePolicy: DefaultComplicationDataSourcePolicy

The DefaultComplicationDataSourcePolicy used to select the initial complication data source when the watch is first installed.

bounds: ComplicationSlotBounds

The complication's ComplicationSlotBounds.

Public functions


Added in 1.2.0
fun computeBounds(screen: Rect, applyMargins: Boolean = false): Rect

Computes the bounds of the complication by converting the unitSquareBounds of the current complication type to pixels based on the screen's dimensions.

screen: Rect

A Rect describing the dimensions of the screen.

applyMargins: Boolean = false

Whether or not the margins should be applied to the computed Rect.


open operator fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean


open fun hashCode(): Int


Added in 1.0.0
fun isActiveAt(instant: Instant): Boolean

Whether or not the complication should be considered active and should be rendered at the specified time.


Added in 1.0.0
fun render(
    canvas: Canvas,
    zonedDateTime: ZonedDateTime,
    renderParameters: RenderParameters
): Unit

Watch faces should use this method to render a complication. Note the system may call this.

canvas: Canvas

The Canvas to render into

zonedDateTime: ZonedDateTime

The ZonedDateTime to render with

renderParameters: RenderParameters

The current RenderParameters


Added in 1.0.0
fun renderHighlightLayer(
    canvas: Canvas,
    zonedDateTime: ZonedDateTime,
    renderParameters: RenderParameters
): Unit

Watch faces should use this method to render non-fixed complicationSlots for any highlight layer pass. Note the system may call this.

canvas: Canvas

The Canvas to render into

zonedDateTime: ZonedDateTime

The ZonedDateTime to render with

renderParameters: RenderParameters

The current RenderParameters

Public properties


Added in 1.0.0
val accessibilityTraversalIndexInt

This is used to determine the order in which accessibility labels for the watch face are read to the user. Accessibility labels are automatically generated for the time and complicationSlots. See also Renderer.additionalContentDescriptionLabels.


Added in 1.0.0
val boundsTypeInt

The ComplicationSlotBoundsTypeIntDef of the complication slot.


Added in 1.0.0
val canvasComplicationFactoryCanvasComplicationFactory

The CanvasComplicationFactory used to generate a CanvasComplication for rendering the complication. The factory allows us to decouple ComplicationSlot from potentially expensive asset loading.


Added in 1.0.0
val complicationSlotBoundsComplicationSlotBounds

The complication's ComplicationSlotBounds which are converted to pixels during rendering.

Note it's not allowed to change the bounds of a background complication because they are assumed to always cover the entire screen.


Added in 1.0.0
var configExtrasBundle

Extras to be merged into the Intent sent when invoking the complication data source chooser activity.


Added in 1.0.0
val defaultDataSourcePolicyDefaultComplicationDataSourcePolicy

The DefaultComplicationDataSourcePolicy which defines the default complicationSlots providers selected when the user hasn't yet made a choice. See also defaultDataSourceType.


Added in 1.0.0
Deprecated in 1.1.0
val defaultDataSourceTypeComplicationType

The default ComplicationType to use alongside defaultDataSourcePolicy.


Added in 1.0.0
val enabledBoolean

Whether or not the complication should be drawn and accept taps.


Added in 1.2.0
val fixedComplicationDataSourceBoolean

Whether or not the complication data source is fixed (i.e. can't be changed by the user). This is useful for watch faces built around specific complications.


Added in 1.0.0
val idInt

The Watch Face's ID for the complication slot.


Added in 1.2.0
val initiallyEnabledBoolean

At creation a complication slot is either enabled or disabled. This can be overridden by a ComplicationSlotsUserStyleSetting (see ComplicationSlotOverlay.enabled). Editors need to know the initial state of a complication slot to predict the effects of making a style change.


Added in 1.1.0
val nameResourceIdInt?

The optional ID of string resource (or null if absent) to identify the complication slot on screen in an editor. These strings should be short (perhaps 10 characters max) E.g. complication slots named 'left' and 'right' might be shown by the editor in a list from which the user selects a complication slot for editing.


Added in 1.0.0
val rendererCanvasComplication

The CanvasComplication used to render the complication. This can't be used until after WatchFaceService.createWatchFace has completed.


Added in 1.1.0
val screenReaderNameResourceIdInt?

The optional ID of a string resource (or null if absent) for use by a watch face editor to identify the complication slot in a screen reader. While similar to nameResourceId this string can be longer and should be more descriptive. E.g. saying 'left complication' rather than just 'left'.


Added in 1.0.0
val supportedTypesList<ComplicationType>


Added in 1.0.0
val tapFilterComplicationTapFilter

The ComplicationTapFilter used to determine whether or not a tap hit the complication slot.