class GlUtil

OpenGL ES utilities.


Nested types

Thrown when an OpenGL error occurs.


const IntArray<Int>!
const IntArray<Int>!
const Int

Number of elements in a 3d homogeneous coordinate vector describing a vertex.

const Float

Length of the normalized device coordinate (NDC) space, which spans from -1 to 1.

Public functions

java-static Unit
awaitSyncObject(syncObject: Long)

Ensures that following commands on the current OpenGL context will not be executed until the sync point has been reached.

java-static Unit
bindTexture(textureTarget: Int, texId: Int, sampleFilter: Int)

Binds the texture of the given type with the specified MIN and MAG sampling filter and GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE wrapping.

java-static Unit
    readFboId: Int,
    readRect: GlRect!,
    drawFboId: Int,
    drawRect: GlRect!

Copies the pixels from readFboId into drawFboId.

java-static Unit

Collects all OpenGL errors that occurred since this method was last called and throws a with the combined error message.

java-static Unit
checkGlException(expression: Boolean, errorMessage: String!)

Throws a GlException with the given message if expression evaluates to false.

java-static Unit

Fills the pixels in the current output render target buffers with (r=0, g=0, b=0, a=0).

java-static FloatArray<Float>!

Creates a 4x4 identity matrix.

java-static FloatBuffer!

Allocates a FloatBuffer with the given data.

java-static EGLContext!

Creates a new EGLContext for the specified EGLDisplay.

java-static EGLContext!
    sharedContext: EGLContext!,
    eglDisplay: EGLDisplay!,
    openGlVersion: @IntRange(from = 2, to = 3) Int,
    configAttributes: IntArray!

Creates a new EGLContext for the specified EGLDisplay.

java-static EGLSurface!
    eglDisplay: EGLDisplay!,
    surface: Any!,
    @C.ColorTransfer colorTransfer: Int,
    isEncoderInputSurface: Boolean

Creates a new EGLSurface wrapping the specified surface.

java-static Int

Creates a GL_TEXTURE_EXTERNAL_OES with default configuration of GL_LINEAR filtering and GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE wrapping.

java-static Int

Returns a new framebuffer for the texture.

java-static EGLSurface!
    eglContext: EGLContext!,
    eglDisplay: EGLDisplay!

Creates and focuses a placeholder EGLSurface.

java-static Long

Returns a newly created sync object and inserts it into the GL command stream.

java-static Int

Creates a pixel buffer object with a data store of the given size and usage GL_DYNAMIC_READ.

java-static Int
createRgb10A2Texture(width: Int, height: Int)

Allocates a new normalized integerGL_RGB10_A2 texture with the specified dimensions.

java-static Int

Allocates a new texture, initialized with the bitmap data and size.

java-static Int
    width: Int,
    height: Int,
    useHighPrecisionColorComponents: Boolean

Allocates a new RGBA texture with the specified dimensions and color component precision.

java-static FloatArray<Float>!

Flattens the list of 4 element NDC coordinate vectors into a buffer.

java-static Unit
deleteBuffer(bufferId: Int)

Deletes a buffer object, or silently ignores the method call if bufferId is unused.

java-static Unit
deleteFbo(fboId: Int)

Deletes a framebuffer, or silently ignores the method call if fboId is unused.

java-static Unit
deleteRbo(rboId: Int)

Deletes a renderbuffer, or silently ignores the method call if rboId is unused.

java-static Unit
deleteSyncObject(syncObject: Long)

Deletes the underlying native object.

java-static Unit

Releases the GL sync object if set, suppressing any error.

java-static Unit
deleteTexture(textureId: Int)

Deletes a GL texture.

java-static Unit
destroyEglContext(eglDisplay: EGLDisplay?, eglContext: EGLContext?)

Destroys the EGLContext identified by the provided EGLDisplay and .

java-static Unit
destroyEglSurface(eglDisplay: EGLDisplay?, eglSurface: EGLSurface?)

Destroys the EGLSurface identified by the provided EGLDisplay and .

java-static Unit
    eglDisplay: EGLDisplay!,
    eglContext: EGLContext!,
    eglSurface: EGLSurface!,
    width: Int,
    height: Int

Makes the specified eglSurface the render target, using a viewport of width by height pixels.

java-static Unit
    eglDisplay: EGLDisplay!,
    eglContext: EGLContext!,
    eglSurface: EGLSurface!,
    framebuffer: Int,
    width: Int,
    height: Int

Makes the specified framebuffer the render target, using a viewport of width by height pixels.

java-static Unit
    framebuffer: Int,
    width: Int,
    height: Int

Makes the specified framebuffer the render target, using a viewport of width by height pixels.

java-static Int

Returns a new, unbound GL texture identifier.

java-static Long

Returns the EGL_CONTEXT_CLIENT_VERSION of the current context.

java-static EGLContext!

Gets the current context.

java-static EGLDisplay!

Returns an initialized default EGLDisplay.

java-static FloatArray<Float>!

Bounds of normalized device coordinates, commonly used for defining viewport boundaries.

java-static FloatArray<Float>!

Typical bounds used for sampling from textures.

java-static Boolean

Returns whether EXTENSION_COLORSPACE_BT2020_HLG is supported.

java-static Boolean

Returns whether EXTENSION_COLORSPACE_BT2020_PQ is supported.

java-static Boolean

Returns whether creating a GL context with EXTENSION_PROTECTED_CONTENT is possible.

java-static Boolean

Returns whether the EXTENSION_SURFACELESS_CONTEXT extension is supported.

java-static Boolean

Returns whether the EXTENSION_YUV_TARGET extension is supported.

java-static ByteBuffer!
@RequiresApi(value = 24)
mapPixelBufferObject(bufferId: Int, size: Int)

Maps the pixel buffer object's data store of a given size and returns a ByteBuffer of OpenGL managed memory.

java-static Unit
@RequiresApi(value = 24)
    readFboId: Int,
    width: Int,
    height: Int,
    bufferId: Int

Reads pixel data from the GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0 attachment of a framebuffer into the data store of a pixel buffer object.

java-static Unit
setTexture(texId: Int, bitmap: Bitmap!)

Sets the texId to contain the bitmap data and size.

java-static Unit

Sets the input matrix to an identity matrix.

java-static Unit
@RequiresApi(value = 24)
unmapPixelBufferObject(bufferId: Int)

Unmaps the pixel buffer object bufferId's data store.



const val EGL_CONFIG_ATTRIBUTES_RGBA_1010102IntArray<Int>!


const val EGL_CONFIG_ATTRIBUTES_RGBA_8888IntArray<Int>!



Number of elements in a 3d homogeneous coordinate vector describing a vertex.


const val LENGTH_NDC = 2.0f: Float

Length of the normalized device coordinate (NDC) space, which spans from -1 to 1.

Public functions


java-static fun awaitSyncObject(syncObject: Long): Unit

Ensures that following commands on the current OpenGL context will not be executed until the sync point has been reached. If syncObject equals 0, this does not block the CPU, and only affects the current OpenGL context. Otherwise, this will block the CPU.


java-static fun bindTexture(textureTarget: Int, texId: Int, sampleFilter: Int): Unit

Binds the texture of the given type with the specified MIN and MAG sampling filter and GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE wrapping.

textureTarget: Int

The target to which the texture is bound, e.g. GL_TEXTURE_2D for a two-dimensional texture or GL_TEXTURE_EXTERNAL_OES for an external texture.

texId: Int

The texture identifier.

sampleFilter: Int

The texture sample filter for both GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER and GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER.


java-static fun blitFrameBuffer(
    readFboId: Int,
    readRect: GlRect!,
    drawFboId: Int,
    drawRect: GlRect!
): Unit

Copies the pixels from readFboId into drawFboId. Requires OpenGL ES 3.0.

When the input pixel region (given by readRect) doesn't have the same size as the output region (given by drawRect), this method uses GL_LINEAR filtering to scale the image contents.

readFboId: Int

The framebuffer object to read from.

readRect: GlRect!

The rectangular region of readFboId to read from.

drawFboId: Int

The framebuffer object to draw into.

drawRect: GlRect!

The rectangular region of drawFboId to draw into.


java-static fun checkGlError(): Unit

Collects all OpenGL errors that occurred since this method was last called and throws a with the combined error message.


java-static fun checkGlException(expression: Boolean, errorMessage: String!): Unit

Throws a GlException with the given message if expression evaluates to false.


java-static fun clearFocusedBuffers(): Unit

Fills the pixels in the current output render target buffers with (r=0, g=0, b=0, a=0).

Buffers can be focused using focusEglSurface and focusFramebufferUsingCurrentContext, focusFramebuffer, and createFocusedPlaceholderEglSurface.


java-static fun create4x4IdentityMatrix(): FloatArray<Float>!

Creates a 4x4 identity matrix.


java-static fun createBuffer(data: FloatArray!): FloatBuffer!

Allocates a FloatBuffer with the given data.

data: FloatArray!

Used to initialize the new buffer.


java-static fun createEglContext(eglDisplay: EGLDisplay!): EGLContext!

Creates a new EGLContext for the specified EGLDisplay.

Configures the EGLContext with EGL_CONFIG_ATTRIBUTES_RGBA_8888 and OpenGL ES 2.0.

eglDisplay: EGLDisplay!

The EGLDisplay to create an EGLContext for.


java-static fun createEglContext(
    sharedContext: EGLContext!,
    eglDisplay: EGLDisplay!,
    openGlVersion: @IntRange(from = 2, to = 3) Int,
    configAttributes: IntArray!
): EGLContext!

Creates a new EGLContext for the specified EGLDisplay.

sharedContext: EGLContext!

The EGLContext with which to share data.

eglDisplay: EGLDisplay!

The EGLDisplay to create an EGLContext for.

openGlVersion: @IntRange(from = 2, to = 3) Int

The version of OpenGL ES to configure. Accepts either 2, for OpenGL ES 2.0, or 3, for OpenGL ES 3.0.

configAttributes: IntArray!

The attributes to configure EGL with. Accepts either EGL_CONFIG_ATTRIBUTES_RGBA_1010102, or EGL_CONFIG_ATTRIBUTES_RGBA_8888.


java-static fun createEglSurface(
    eglDisplay: EGLDisplay!,
    surface: Any!,
    @C.ColorTransfer colorTransfer: Int,
    isEncoderInputSurface: Boolean
): EGLSurface!

Creates a new EGLSurface wrapping the specified surface.

The EGLSurface will configure with OpenGL ES 2.0.

eglDisplay: EGLDisplay!

The EGLDisplay to attach the surface to.

surface: Any!

The surface to wrap; must be a surface, surface texture or surface holder.

@C.ColorTransfer colorTransfer: Int

The color transfer characteristics to which the surface is configured. The only accepted values are COLOR_TRANSFER_SDR, COLOR_TRANSFER_HLG, and COLOR_TRANSFER_ST2084.

isEncoderInputSurface: Boolean

Whether the surface is the input surface of an encoder.


java-static fun createExternalTexture(): Int

Creates a GL_TEXTURE_EXTERNAL_OES with default configuration of GL_LINEAR filtering and GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE wrapping.


java-static fun createFboForTexture(texId: Int): Int

Returns a new framebuffer for the texture.

texId: Int

The identifier of the texture to attach to the framebuffer.


java-static fun createFocusedPlaceholderEglSurface(
    eglContext: EGLContext!,
    eglDisplay: EGLDisplay!
): EGLSurface!

Creates and focuses a placeholder EGLSurface.

This makes a EGLContext current when reading and writing to a surface is not required, configured with EGL_CONFIG_ATTRIBUTES_RGBA_8888.

eglContext: EGLContext!

The EGLContext to make current.

eglDisplay: EGLDisplay!

The EGLDisplay to attach the surface to.


EGL_NO_SURFACE if supported and a 1x1 pixel buffer surface otherwise.


java-static fun createGlSyncFence(): Long

Returns a newly created sync object and inserts it into the GL command stream.

Returns 0 if the operation failed, no EGLContext is focused, or the focused EGLContext version is less than 3.0.


java-static fun createPixelBufferObject(size: Int): Int

Creates a pixel buffer object with a data store of the given size and usage GL_DYNAMIC_READ.

The buffer is suitable for repeated modification by OpenGL and reads by the application.

size: Int

The size of the buffer object's data store.


The pixel buffer object.


java-static fun createRgb10A2Texture(width: Int, height: Int): Int

Allocates a new normalized integerGL_RGB10_A2 texture with the specified dimensions.

Normalized integers in textures are automatically converted for floating point numbers https://www.khronos.org/opengl/wiki/Normalized_Integer

The only supported pixel data type for the GL_RGB10_A2 sized internal format is GL_UNSIGNED_INT_2_10_10_10_REV. See https://registry.khronos.org/OpenGL-Refpages/es3.0/html/glTexImage2D.xhtml

The created texture is not zero-initialized. To clear the texture, focus on the texture and clear its content.

width: Int

The width of the new texture in pixels.

height: Int

The height of the new texture in pixels.


The texture identifier for the newly-allocated texture.


If the texture allocation fails.


java-static fun createTexture(bitmap: Bitmap!): Int

Allocates a new texture, initialized with the bitmap data and size.

bitmap: Bitmap!

The Bitmap for which the texture is created.


The texture identifier for the newly-allocated texture.


If the texture allocation fails.


java-static fun createTexture(
    width: Int,
    height: Int,
    useHighPrecisionColorComponents: Boolean
): Int

Allocates a new RGBA texture with the specified dimensions and color component precision.

The created texture is not zero-initialized. To clear the texture, focus on the texture and clear its content.

width: Int

The width of the new texture in pixels.

height: Int

The height of the new texture in pixels.

useHighPrecisionColorComponents: Boolean

If false, uses colors with 8-bit unsigned bytes. If true, use 16-bit (half-precision) floating-point.


The texture identifier for the newly-allocated texture.


If the texture allocation fails.


java-static fun createVertexBuffer(vertexList: (Mutable)List<FloatArray!>!): FloatArray<Float>!

Flattens the list of 4 element NDC coordinate vectors into a buffer.


java-static fun deleteBuffer(bufferId: Int): Unit

Deletes a buffer object, or silently ignores the method call if bufferId is unused.


java-static fun deleteFbo(fboId: Int): Unit

Deletes a framebuffer, or silently ignores the method call if fboId is unused.


java-static fun deleteRbo(rboId: Int): Unit

Deletes a renderbuffer, or silently ignores the method call if rboId is unused.


java-static fun deleteSyncObject(syncObject: Long): Unit

Deletes the underlying native object.

The syncObject must not be used after deletion.


java-static fun deleteSyncObjectQuietly(syncObject: Long): Unit

Releases the GL sync object if set, suppressing any error.


java-static fun deleteTexture(textureId: Int): Unit

Deletes a GL texture.

textureId: Int

The ID of the texture to delete.


java-static fun destroyEglContext(eglDisplay: EGLDisplay?, eglContext: EGLContext?): Unit

Destroys the EGLContext identified by the provided EGLDisplay and .

This is a no-op if called on already-destroyed EGLDisplay and EGLContext instances.


java-static fun destroyEglSurface(eglDisplay: EGLDisplay?, eglSurface: EGLSurface?): Unit

Destroys the EGLSurface identified by the provided EGLDisplay and .


java-static fun focusEglSurface(
    eglDisplay: EGLDisplay!,
    eglContext: EGLContext!,
    eglSurface: EGLSurface!,
    width: Int,
    height: Int
): Unit

Makes the specified eglSurface the render target, using a viewport of width by height pixels.


java-static fun focusFramebuffer(
    eglDisplay: EGLDisplay!,
    eglContext: EGLContext!,
    eglSurface: EGLSurface!,
    framebuffer: Int,
    width: Int,
    height: Int
): Unit

Makes the specified framebuffer the render target, using a viewport of width by height pixels.


java-static fun focusFramebufferUsingCurrentContext(
    framebuffer: Int,
    width: Int,
    height: Int
): Unit

Makes the specified framebuffer the render target, using a viewport of width by height pixels.

The caller must ensure that there is a current OpenGL context before calling this method.

framebuffer: Int

The identifier of the framebuffer object to bind as the output render target.

width: Int

The viewport width, in pixels.

height: Int

The viewport height, in pixels.


java-static fun generateTexture(): Int

Returns a new, unbound GL texture identifier.


java-static fun getContextMajorVersion(): Long

Returns the EGL_CONTEXT_CLIENT_VERSION of the current context.

Returns 0 if no EGLContextis focused.


java-static fun getCurrentContext(): EGLContext!

Gets the current context.


java-static fun getDefaultEglDisplay(): EGLDisplay!

Returns an initialized default EGLDisplay.


java-static fun getNormalizedCoordinateBounds(): FloatArray<Float>!

Bounds of normalized device coordinates, commonly used for defining viewport boundaries.


java-static fun getTextureCoordinateBounds(): FloatArray<Float>!

Typical bounds used for sampling from textures.


java-static fun isBt2020HlgExtensionSupported(): Boolean

Returns whether EXTENSION_COLORSPACE_BT2020_HLG is supported.


java-static fun isBt2020PqExtensionSupported(): Boolean

Returns whether EXTENSION_COLORSPACE_BT2020_PQ is supported.


java-static fun isProtectedContentExtensionSupported(context: Context!): Boolean

Returns whether creating a GL context with EXTENSION_PROTECTED_CONTENT is possible.

If true, the device supports a protected output path for DRM content when using GL.


java-static fun isSurfacelessContextExtensionSupported(): Boolean

Returns whether the EXTENSION_SURFACELESS_CONTEXT extension is supported.

This extension allows passing EGL_NO_SURFACE for both the write and read surfaces in a call to eglMakeCurrent.


java-static fun isYuvTargetExtensionSupported(): Boolean

Returns whether the EXTENSION_YUV_TARGET extension is supported.

This extension allows sampling raw YUV values from an external texture, which is required for HDR input.


@RequiresApi(value = 24)
java-static fun mapPixelBufferObject(bufferId: Int, size: Int): ByteBuffer!

Maps the pixel buffer object's data store of a given size and returns a ByteBuffer of OpenGL managed memory.

The application must not write into the returned ByteBuffer.

The pixel buffer object should have a previously scheduled pixel buffer read.

When the application no longer needs to access the returned buffer, call unmapPixelBufferObject.

This call blocks until the pixel buffer data from the last schedulePixelBufferRead call is available.

Requires API 24: see schedulePixelBufferRead.

bufferId: Int

The pixel buffer object.

size: Int

The size of the pixel buffer object's data store to be mapped.


The ByteBuffer that holds pixel data.


@RequiresApi(value = 24)
java-static fun schedulePixelBufferRead(
    readFboId: Int,
    width: Int,
    height: Int,
    bufferId: Int
): Unit

Reads pixel data from the GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0 attachment of a framebuffer into the data store of a pixel buffer object.

The texture backing the color attachment of readFboId and the buffer store of bufferId must hold an image of the given width and height with format GL_RGBA and type GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE.

This a non-blocking call which reads the data asynchronously.

Requires API 24: This method must call the version of glReadPixels which accepts an integer offset as the last parameter. This version of glReadPixels is not available in the Java GLES30 wrapper until API 24.

HDR support is not yet implemented.

readFboId: Int

The framebuffer that holds pixel data.

width: Int

The image width.

height: Int

The image height.

bufferId: Int

The pixel buffer object to read into.


java-static fun setTexture(texId: Int, bitmap: Bitmap!): Unit

Sets the texId to contain the bitmap data and size.


java-static fun setToIdentity(matrix: FloatArray!): Unit

Sets the input matrix to an identity matrix.


@RequiresApi(value = 24)
java-static fun unmapPixelBufferObject(bufferId: Int): Unit

Unmaps the pixel buffer object bufferId's data store.

The pixel buffer object should be previously mapped.

After this method returns, accessing data inside a previously mappedByteBuffer results in undefined behaviour.

When this method returns, the pixel buffer object bufferId can be reused by schedulePixelBufferRead.

Requires API 24: see schedulePixelBufferRead.

bufferId: Int

The pixel buffer object.