
@RequiresApi(value = 19)
abstract class SliceViewManager

Class to handle interactions with Slices.

The SliceViewManager manages permissions and pinned state for slices.


Nested types

Class that listens to changes in Slices.

Public functions

abstract Slice?
bindSlice(intent: Intent)

Turns a slice intent into slice content.

abstract Slice?
bindSlice(uri: Uri)

Turns a slice Uri into slice content.

java-static SliceViewManager
getInstance(context: Context)

Get a SliceViewManager.

abstract (Mutable)Collection<Uri!>

Obtains a list of slices that are descendants of the specified Uri.

abstract Uri?

Turns a slice intent into a slice uri.

abstract Unit
pinSlice(uri: Uri)

Ensures that a slice is in a pinned state.

abstract Unit

Adds a callback to a specific slice uri.

abstract Unit
    uri: Uri,
    executor: Executor,
    callback: SliceViewManager.SliceCallback

Adds a callback to a specific slice uri.

abstract Unit

Remove a pin for a slice.

abstract Unit

Removes a callback for a specific slice uri.

Public functions


Added in 1.1.0-alpha02
abstract fun bindSlice(intent: Intent): Slice?

Turns a slice intent into slice content. Is a shortcut to perform the action of both mapIntentToUri and bindSlice at once.

intent: Intent

The intent associated with a slice.


The Slice provided by the app or null if none is given.


Added in 1.1.0-alpha02
abstract fun bindSlice(uri: Uri): Slice?

Turns a slice Uri into slice content.

uri: Uri

The URI to a slice provider


The Slice provided by the app or null if none is given.

See also


Added in 1.1.0-alpha02
java-static fun getInstance(context: Context): SliceViewManager

Get a SliceViewManager.


Added in 1.1.0-alpha02
abstract fun getSliceDescendants(uri: Uri): (Mutable)Collection<Uri!>

Obtains a list of slices that are descendants of the specified Uri.

Not all slice providers will implement this functionality, in which case, an empty collection will be returned.

uri: Uri

The uri to look for descendants under.


All slices within the space.


Added in 1.1.0-alpha02
abstract fun mapIntentToUri(intent: Intent): Uri?

Turns a slice intent into a slice uri. Expects an explicit intent.

This goes through a several stage resolution process to determine if any slice can represent this intent.

  1. If the intent contains data that getType is SLICE_TYPE then the data will be returned.
  2. If the intent explicitly points at an activity, and that activity has meta-data for key SLICE_METADATA_KEY, then the Uri specified there will be returned.
  3. Lastly, if the intent with CATEGORY_SLICE added resolves to a provider, then the provider will be asked to onMapIntentToUri and that result will be returned.
  4. If no slice is found, then null is returned.
intent: Intent

The intent associated with a slice.


The Slice Uri provided by the app or null if none exists.


Added in 1.1.0-alpha02
abstract fun pinSlice(uri: Uri): Unit

Ensures that a slice is in a pinned state.

Pinned state is not persisted across reboots, so apps are expected to re-pin any slices they still care about after a reboot.

uri: Uri

The uri of the slice being pinned.

See also


Added in 1.1.0-alpha02
abstract fun registerSliceCallback(uri: Uri, callback: SliceViewManager.SliceCallback): Unit

Adds a callback to a specific slice uri.

This is a convenience method that performs a few slice actions at once. It will put the slice in a pinned state since there is a callback attached. It will also listen for content changes, when a content change is observed, the android system will bind the new slice and provide it to all registered SliceCallbacks.

This will not trigger a bindSlice immediately, it will only perform a bind and pass it to the callback after a change occurs. To avoid race conditions and missing data, callers should call bindSlice immediately after calling registerSliceCallback so that it has the current slice.

uri: Uri

The uri of the slice being listened to.

callback: SliceViewManager.SliceCallback

The listener that should receive the callbacks.

See also


Added in 1.1.0-alpha02
abstract fun registerSliceCallback(
    uri: Uri,
    executor: Executor,
    callback: SliceViewManager.SliceCallback
): Unit

Adds a callback to a specific slice uri.

This is a convenience that performs a few slice actions at once. It will put the slice in a pinned state since there is a callback attached. It will also listen for content changes, when a content change observes, the android system will bind the new slice and provide it to all registered SliceCallbacks.

uri: Uri

The uri of the slice being listened to.

callback: SliceViewManager.SliceCallback

The listener that should receive the callbacks.

See also


Added in 1.1.0-alpha02
abstract fun unpinSlice(uri: Uri): Unit

Remove a pin for a slice.

If the slice has no other pins/callbacks then the slice will be unpinned.

uri: Uri

The uri of the slice being unpinned.


Added in 1.1.0-alpha02
abstract fun unregisterSliceCallback(
    uri: Uri,
    callback: SliceViewManager.SliceCallback
): Unit

Removes a callback for a specific slice uri.

Removes the app from the pinned state (if there are no other apps/callbacks pinning it) in addition to removing the callback.

uri: Uri

The uri of the slice being listened to

callback: SliceViewManager.SliceCallback

The listener that should no longer receive callbacks.