
object CardDefaults

Contains the default values used by Card


Public functions

    startBackgroundColor: Color,
    endBackgroundColor: Color,
    gradientDirection: LayoutDirection

Creates a Painter for background colors for a Card.

    backgroundImagePainter: Painter,
    backgroundImageScrimBrush: Brush

Creates a Painter for the background of a Card that displays an Image with a scrim over the image to make sure that any content above the background will be legible.

Public properties


The default size of the app icon/image when used inside a AppCard.


The default content padding used by Card

Public functions


fun cardBackgroundPainter(
    startBackgroundColor: Color = MaterialTheme.colors.primary .copy(alpha = 0.30f) .compositeOver(MaterialTheme.colors.background),
    endBackgroundColor: Color = MaterialTheme.colors.onSurfaceVariant .copy(alpha = 0.20f) .compositeOver(MaterialTheme.colors.background),
    gradientDirection: LayoutDirection = LocalLayoutDirection.current
): Painter

Creates a Painter for background colors for a Card. Cards typically have a linear gradient for a background. The gradient will be between startBackgroundColor and endBackgroundColor and at an angle of 45 degrees.

Cards should have a content color that contrasts with the background gradient.

startBackgroundColor: Color = MaterialTheme.colors.primary .copy(alpha = 0.30f) .compositeOver(MaterialTheme.colors.background)

The background color used at the start of the gradient of this Card

endBackgroundColor: Color = MaterialTheme.colors.onSurfaceVariant .copy(alpha = 0.20f) .compositeOver(MaterialTheme.colors.background)

The background color used at the end of the gradient of this Card

gradientDirection: LayoutDirection = LocalLayoutDirection.current

Whether the cards gradient should be start to end (indicated by LayoutDirection.Ltr) or end to start (indicated by LayoutDirection.Rtl).


Added in 1.0.0
fun imageWithScrimBackgroundPainter(
    backgroundImagePainter: Painter,
    backgroundImageScrimBrush: Brush = Brush.linearGradient( colors = listOf( MaterialTheme.colors.surface.copy(alpha = 1.0f), MaterialTheme.colors.surface.copy(alpha = 0f) ) )
): Painter

Creates a Painter for the background of a Card that displays an Image with a scrim over the image to make sure that any content above the background will be legible.

An Image background is a means to reinforce the meaning of information in a Card, e.g. To help to contextualize the information in a TitleCard

Cards should have a content color that contrasts with the background image and scrim

backgroundImagePainter: Painter

The Painter to use to draw the background of the Card

backgroundImageScrimBrush: Brush = Brush.linearGradient( colors = listOf( MaterialTheme.colors.surface.copy(alpha = 1.0f), MaterialTheme.colors.surface.copy(alpha = 0f) ) )

The Brush to use to paint a scrim over the background image to ensure that any text drawn over the image is legible

Public properties


Added in 1.0.0
val AppImageSizeDp

The default size of the app icon/image when used inside a AppCard.


Added in 1.0.0
val ContentPaddingPaddingValues

The default content padding used by Card