class PickerActions

Espresso action for interacting with DatePicker and TimePicker.

See Pickers API guide


Public functions

java-static ViewAction!
setDate(year: Int, monthOfYear: Int, dayOfMonth: Int)

Returns a ViewAction that sets a date on a DatePicker.

java-static ViewAction!
setTime(hours: Int, minutes: Int)

Returns a ViewAction that sets a time on a TimePicker.

Public functions


java-static fun setDate(year: Int, monthOfYear: Int, dayOfMonth: Int): ViewAction!

Returns a ViewAction that sets a date on a DatePicker.

year: Int

The year.

monthOfYear: Int

The month which is starting from zero.

dayOfMonth: Int

The day of the month.


java-static fun setTime(hours: Int, minutes: Int): ViewAction!

Returns a ViewAction that sets a time on a TimePicker.

hours: Int

the hour to set, in the range (0-23).

minutes: Int

the minute to set, in the range (0-59).