class ParcelUtils

Utilities for managing VersionedParcelables.


Public functions

java-static T?

Get a VersionedParcelable from a Bundle.

java-static (Mutable)List<T!>
<T : VersionedParcelable?> getVersionedParcelableList(
    bundle: Bundle,
    key: String?

Get a list of VersionedParcelable from a Bundle.

java-static Unit

Add a VersionedParcelable to an existing Bundle.

java-static Unit
    b: Bundle,
    key: String,
    list: (Mutable)List<VersionedParcelable!>

Add a list of VersionedParcelable to an existing Bundle.

Public functions


Added in 1.1.0
java-static fun <T : VersionedParcelable?> getVersionedParcelable(bundle: Bundle, key: String): T?

Get a VersionedParcelable from a Bundle. Returns null if the bundle isn't present or ClassLoader issues occur.


Added in 1.1.0
java-static fun <T : VersionedParcelable?> getVersionedParcelableList(
    bundle: Bundle,
    key: String?
): (Mutable)List<T!>

Get a list of VersionedParcelable from a Bundle. Returns an empty list if the bundle isn't present or ClassLoader issues occur.


Added in 1.1.0
java-static fun putVersionedParcelable(b: Bundle, key: String, obj: VersionedParcelable?): Unit

Add a VersionedParcelable to an existing Bundle.


Added in 1.1.0
java-static fun putVersionedParcelableList(
    b: Bundle,
    key: String,
    list: (Mutable)List<VersionedParcelable!>
): Unit

Add a list of VersionedParcelable to an existing Bundle.