class Colors

Represent the container for default color scheme in your Tile, that can be used to create color objects for all Material components.

See DEFAULT for default color scheme.



const Colors

The default color scheme to be used in ProtoLayout Material components.

Public constructors

    primary: @ColorInt Int,
    onPrimary: @ColorInt Int,
    surface: @ColorInt Int,
    onSurface: @ColorInt Int

Constructor for Colors object.

Public functions

@ColorInt Int

The onPrimary color to be used on components.

@ColorInt Int

The onSurface color to be used on components.

@ColorInt Int

The primary color to be used on components.

@ColorInt Int

The surface color to be used on components.



Added in 1.0.0
const val DEFAULTColors

The default color scheme to be used in ProtoLayout Material components.

Public constructors


Added in 1.0.0
    primary: @ColorInt Int,
    onPrimary: @ColorInt Int,
    surface: @ColorInt Int,
    onSurface: @ColorInt Int

Constructor for Colors object.

primary: @ColorInt Int

The background color to be used for primary components. Should be in ARGB format.

onPrimary: @ColorInt Int

The content color or tint color to be used for primary components. Should be in ARGB format.

surface: @ColorInt Int

The background color to be used for secondary components. Should be in ARGB format.

onSurface: @ColorInt Int

The content color or tint color to be used for secondary components. Should be in ARGB format.

Public functions


Added in 1.0.0
fun getOnPrimary(): @ColorInt Int

The onPrimary color to be used on components.


Added in 1.0.0
fun getOnSurface(): @ColorInt Int

The onSurface color to be used on components.


Added in 1.0.0
fun getPrimary(): @ColorInt Int

The primary color to be used on components.


Added in 1.0.0
fun getSurface(): @ColorInt Int

The surface color to be used on components.