
public abstract class CloudMediaProvider
extends ContentProvider

   ↳ android.content.ContentProvider
     ↳ android.provider.CloudMediaProvider

Base class for a cloud media provider. A cloud media provider offers read-only access to durable media files, specifically photos and videos stored on a local disk, or files in a cloud storage service. To create a cloud media provider, extend this class, implement the abstract methods, and add it to your manifest like this:

                <action android:name="android.content.action.CLOUD_MEDIA_PROVIDER" />

When defining your provider, you must protect it with the CloudMediaProviderContract#MANAGE_CLOUD_MEDIA_PROVIDERS_PERMISSION, which is a permission only the system can obtain, trying to define an unprotected CloudMediaProvider will result in a SecurityException.

Applications cannot use a cloud media provider directly; they must go through MediaStore#ACTION_PICK_IMAGES which requires a user to actively navigate and select media items. When a user selects a media item through that UI, the system issues narrow URI permission grants to the requesting application.

Media items

A media item must be an openable stream (with a specific MIME type). Media items can belong to zero or more albums. Albums cannot contain other albums.

Each item under a provider is uniquely referenced by its media or album id, which must not change which must be unique across all collection IDs as returned by onGetMediaCollectionInfo(Bundle).


Nested classes

class CloudMediaProvider.CloudMediaSurfaceController

Manages rendering the preview of media items on given instances of Surface

class CloudMediaProvider.CloudMediaSurfaceStateChangedCallback

This class is used by CloudMediaProvider to send Surface state updates to picker launched via MediaStore#ACTION_PICK_IMAGES

Inherited constants

Public constructors


Public methods

final void attachInfo(Context context, ProviderInfo info)

Implementation is provided by the parent class.

final Bundle call(String method, String arg, Bundle extras)

Implementation is provided by the parent class.

final Uri canonicalize(Uri uri)

Implementation is provided by the parent class.

final int delete(Uri uri, String selection, String[] selectionArgs)

Implementation is provided by the parent class.

final String getType(Uri uri)

Implementation is provided by the parent class.

final Uri insert(Uri uri, ContentValues values)

Implementation is provided by the parent class.

CloudMediaProvider.CloudMediaSurfaceController onCreateCloudMediaSurfaceController(Bundle config, CloudMediaProvider.CloudMediaSurfaceStateChangedCallback callback)

Returns a CloudMediaSurfaceController used for rendering the preview of media items, or null if preview rendering is not supported.

abstract Bundle onGetMediaCollectionInfo(Bundle extras)

Returns metadata about the media collection itself.

abstract ParcelFileDescriptor onOpenMedia(String mediaId, Bundle extras, CancellationSignal signal)

Returns the full size media item identified by mediaId.

abstract AssetFileDescriptor onOpenPreview(String mediaId, Point size, Bundle extras, CancellationSignal signal)

Returns a thumbnail of size for a media item identified by mediaId

The cloud media provider should strictly return thumbnail in the original CloudMediaProviderContract.MediaColumns#MIME_TYPE of the item.

Cursor onQueryAlbums(Bundle extras)

Returns a cursor representing all album items in the media collection optionally filtered by extras and sorted in reverse chronological order of CloudMediaProviderContract.AlbumColumns#DATE_TAKEN_MILLIS, i.e.

abstract Cursor onQueryDeletedMedia(Bundle extras)

Returns a Cursor representing all deleted media items in the entire media collection within the current provider version as returned by onGetMediaCollectionInfo(Bundle).

abstract Cursor onQueryMedia(Bundle extras)

Returns a cursor representing all media items in the media collection optionally filtered by extras and sorted in reverse chronological order of CloudMediaProviderContract.MediaColumns#DATE_TAKEN_MILLIS, i.e.

final ParcelFileDescriptor openFile(Uri uri, String mode, CancellationSignal signal)

Implementation is provided by the parent class.

final ParcelFileDescriptor openFile(Uri uri, String mode)

Implementation is provided by the parent class.

final AssetFileDescriptor openTypedAssetFile(Uri uri, String mimeTypeFilter, Bundle opts)

Implementation is provided by the parent class.

final AssetFileDescriptor openTypedAssetFile(Uri uri, String mimeTypeFilter, Bundle opts, CancellationSignal signal)

Implementation is provided by the parent class.

final Cursor query(Uri uri, String[] projection, Bundle queryArgs, CancellationSignal cancellationSignal)

Implementation is provided by the parent class.

final Cursor query(Uri uri, String[] projection, String selection, String[] selectionArgs, String sortOrder)

Implementation is provided by the parent class.

final Cursor query(Uri uri, String[] projection, String selection, String[] selectionArgs, String sortOrder, CancellationSignal cancellationSignal)

Implementation is provided by the parent class.

final int update(Uri uri, ContentValues values, String selection, String[] selectionArgs)

Implementation is provided by the parent class.

Inherited methods

Public constructors


Added in API level 33
Also in R Extensions 3
public CloudMediaProvider ()

Public methods


Added in API level 33
public final void attachInfo (Context context, 
                ProviderInfo info)

Implementation is provided by the parent class. Cannot be overridden.

context Context: This value cannot be null.

info ProviderInfo: This value cannot be null.


Added in API level 33
public final Bundle call (String method, 
                String arg, 
                Bundle extras)

Implementation is provided by the parent class. Cannot be overridden.

method String: This value cannot be null.

arg String: This value may be null.

extras Bundle: This value may be null.

Bundle This value cannot be null.


Added in API level 33
public final Uri canonicalize (Uri uri)

Implementation is provided by the parent class. Throws by default, and cannot be overridden.

uri Uri: This value cannot be null.

Uri This value cannot be null.


Added in API level 33
public final int delete (Uri uri, 
                String selection, 
                String[] selectionArgs)

Implementation is provided by the parent class. Throws by default, and cannot be overridden.

uri Uri: This value cannot be null.

selection String: This value may be null.

selectionArgs String: This value may be null.

int The number of rows affected.


Added in API level 33
public final String getType (Uri uri)

Implementation is provided by the parent class. Throws by default, and cannot be overridden.

uri Uri: This value cannot be null.

String This value cannot be null.


Added in API level 33
public final Uri insert (Uri uri, 
                ContentValues values)

Implementation is provided by the parent class. Throws by default, and cannot be overridden.

uri Uri: This value cannot be null.

values ContentValues: This value cannot be null.

Uri This value cannot be null.


Added in API level 33
Also in R Extensions 3
public CloudMediaProvider.CloudMediaSurfaceController onCreateCloudMediaSurfaceController (Bundle config, 
                CloudMediaProvider.CloudMediaSurfaceStateChangedCallback callback)

Returns a CloudMediaSurfaceController used for rendering the preview of media items, or null if preview rendering is not supported.

config Bundle: containing configuration parameters for CloudMediaSurfaceController This value cannot be null.

callback CloudMediaProvider.CloudMediaSurfaceStateChangedCallback: CloudMediaSurfaceStateChangedCallback to send state updates for Surface to picker launched via MediaStore#ACTION_PICK_IMAGES This value cannot be null.



Added in API level 33
Also in R Extensions 3
public abstract Bundle onGetMediaCollectionInfo (Bundle extras)

Returns metadata about the media collection itself.

This is useful for the OS to determine if its cache of media items in the collection is still valid and if a full or incremental sync is required with onQueryMedia(Bundle).

This method might be called by the OS frequently and is performance critical, hence it should avoid long running operations.

If the provider handled any filters in extras, it must add the key to the ContentResolver#EXTRA_HONORED_ARGS as part of the returned Bundle.

extras Bundle: containing keys to filter result: This value cannot be null.

Bundle Bundle containing CloudMediaProviderContract.MediaCollectionInfo This value cannot be null.


Added in API level 33
Also in R Extensions 3
public abstract ParcelFileDescriptor onOpenMedia (String mediaId, 
                Bundle extras, 
                CancellationSignal signal)

Returns the full size media item identified by mediaId.

If you block while downloading content, you should periodically check CancellationSignal#isCanceled() to abort abandoned open requests.

mediaId String: the media item to return This value cannot be null.

extras Bundle: to modify the way the fd is opened, there's none at the moment, but some might be implemented in the future This value may be null.

signal CancellationSignal: used by the OS to signal if the request should be cancelled This value may be null.

ParcelFileDescriptor read-only file descriptor for accessing the media file This value cannot be null.



Added in API level 33
Also in R Extensions 3
public abstract AssetFileDescriptor onOpenPreview (String mediaId, 
                Point size, 
                Bundle extras, 
                CancellationSignal signal)

Returns a thumbnail of size for a media item identified by mediaId

The cloud media provider should strictly return thumbnail in the original CloudMediaProviderContract.MediaColumns#MIME_TYPE of the item.

This is expected to be a much lower resolution version than the item returned by onOpenMedia(String, Bundle, CancellationSignal).

If you block while downloading content, you should periodically check CancellationSignal#isCanceled() to abort abandoned open requests.

mediaId String: the media item to return This value cannot be null.

size Point: the dimensions of the thumbnail to return. The returned file descriptor doesn't have to match the size precisely because the OS will adjust the dimensions before usage. Implementations can return close approximations especially if the approximation is already locally on the device and doesn't require downloading from the cloud. This value cannot be null.

extras Bundle: to modify the way the fd is opened, e.g. for video files we may request a thumbnail image instead of a video with CloudMediaProviderContract#EXTRA_PREVIEW_THUMBNAIL This value may be null.

signal CancellationSignal: used by the OS to signal if the request should be cancelled This value may be null.

AssetFileDescriptor read-only file descriptor for accessing the thumbnail for the media file This value cannot be null.



Added in API level 33
Also in R Extensions 3
public Cursor onQueryAlbums (Bundle extras)

Returns a cursor representing all album items in the media collection optionally filtered by extras and sorted in reverse chronological order of CloudMediaProviderContract.AlbumColumns#DATE_TAKEN_MILLIS, i.e. most recent items first.

The cloud media provider must set the CloudMediaProviderContract#EXTRA_MEDIA_COLLECTION_ID as part of the returned Cursor#setExtras Bundle. Not setting this is an error and invalidates the returned Cursor.

If the provider handled any filters in extras, it must add the key to the ContentResolver#EXTRA_HONORED_ARGS as part of the returned Cursor#setExtras Bundle.

extras Bundle: containing keys to filter album items: This value cannot be null.

Cursor cursor representing album items containing all CloudMediaProviderContract.AlbumColumns columns This value cannot be null.


Added in API level 33
Also in R Extensions 3
public abstract Cursor onQueryDeletedMedia (Bundle extras)

Returns a Cursor representing all deleted media items in the entire media collection within the current provider version as returned by onGetMediaCollectionInfo(Bundle). These items can be optionally filtered by extras.

The cloud media provider must set the CloudMediaProviderContract#EXTRA_MEDIA_COLLECTION_ID as part of the returned Cursor#setExtras Bundle. Not setting this is an error and invalidates the returned Cursor.

If the provider handled any filters in extras, it must add the key to the ContentResolver#EXTRA_HONORED_ARGS as part of the returned Cursor#setExtras Bundle.

extras Bundle: containing keys to filter deleted media items: This value cannot be null.

Cursor cursor representing deleted media items containing just the CloudMediaProviderContract.MediaColumns#ID column This value cannot be null.


Added in API level 33
Also in R Extensions 3
public abstract Cursor onQueryMedia (Bundle extras)

Returns a cursor representing all media items in the media collection optionally filtered by extras and sorted in reverse chronological order of CloudMediaProviderContract.MediaColumns#DATE_TAKEN_MILLIS, i.e. most recent items first.

The cloud media provider must set the CloudMediaProviderContract#EXTRA_MEDIA_COLLECTION_ID as part of the returned Cursor#setExtras Bundle. Not setting this is an error and invalidates the returned Cursor.

If the cloud media provider handled any filters in extras, it must add the key to the ContentResolver#EXTRA_HONORED_ARGS as part of the returned Cursor#setExtras Bundle.

extras Bundle: containing keys to filter media items: This value cannot be null.

Cursor cursor representing media items containing all CloudMediaProviderContract.MediaColumns columns This value cannot be null.


Added in API level 33
public final ParcelFileDescriptor openFile (Uri uri, 
                String mode, 
                CancellationSignal signal)

Implementation is provided by the parent class. Cannot be overridden.

uri Uri: This value cannot be null.

mode String: This value cannot be null.

signal CancellationSignal: This value may be null.

ParcelFileDescriptor This value cannot be null.



Added in API level 33
public final ParcelFileDescriptor openFile (Uri uri, 
                String mode)

Implementation is provided by the parent class. Cannot be overridden.

uri Uri: This value cannot be null.

mode String: This value cannot be null.

ParcelFileDescriptor This value cannot be null.



Added in API level 33
public final AssetFileDescriptor openTypedAssetFile (Uri uri, 
                String mimeTypeFilter, 
                Bundle opts)

Implementation is provided by the parent class. Cannot be overridden.

uri Uri: This value cannot be null.

mimeTypeFilter String: This value cannot be null.

opts Bundle: This value may be null.

AssetFileDescriptor This value cannot be null.



Added in API level 33
public final AssetFileDescriptor openTypedAssetFile (Uri uri, 
                String mimeTypeFilter, 
                Bundle opts, 
                CancellationSignal signal)

Implementation is provided by the parent class. Cannot be overridden.

uri Uri: This value cannot be null.

mimeTypeFilter String: This value cannot be null.

opts Bundle: This value may be null.

signal CancellationSignal: This value may be null.

AssetFileDescriptor This value cannot be null.



Added in API level 33
public final Cursor query (Uri uri, 
                String[] projection, 
                Bundle queryArgs, 
                CancellationSignal cancellationSignal)

Implementation is provided by the parent class. Cannot be overridden.

uri Uri: This value cannot be null.

projection String: This value may be null.

queryArgs Bundle: This value may be null.

cancellationSignal CancellationSignal: This value may be null.

Cursor This value cannot be null.


Added in API level 33
public final Cursor query (Uri uri, 
                String[] projection, 
                String selection, 
                String[] selectionArgs, 
                String sortOrder)

Implementation is provided by the parent class. Throws by default, and cannot be overridden.

uri Uri: This value cannot be null.

projection String: This value may be null.

selection String: This value may be null.

selectionArgs String: This value may be null.

sortOrder String: This value may be null.

Cursor This value cannot be null.


Added in API level 33
public final Cursor query (Uri uri, 
                String[] projection, 
                String selection, 
                String[] selectionArgs, 
                String sortOrder, 
                CancellationSignal cancellationSignal)

Implementation is provided by the parent class. Throws by default, and cannot be overridden.

uri Uri: This value cannot be null.

projection String: This value may be null.

selection String: This value may be null.

selectionArgs String: This value may be null.

sortOrder String: This value may be null.

cancellationSignal CancellationSignal: This value may be null.

Cursor This value cannot be null.


Added in API level 33
public final int update (Uri uri, 
                ContentValues values, 
                String selection, 
                String[] selectionArgs)

Implementation is provided by the parent class. Throws by default, and cannot be overridden.

uri Uri: This value cannot be null.

values ContentValues: This value cannot be null.

selection String: This value may be null.

selectionArgs String: This value may be null.

int the number of rows affected.