
public final class InvalidSelectorsException
extends IkeProtocolException

   ↳ java.lang.Throwable
     ↳ java.lang.Exception

This exception is thrown if the remote server received an IPsec packet with mismatched selectors.

This exception indicates that the remote server received an IPsec packet whose selectors do not match those of the IPsec SA on which it was delivered. The error data contains the start of the offending packet (as in ICMP messages), which is the IP header plus the first 64 bits of the original datagram's data.


Inherited constants

Public constructors

InvalidSelectorsException(int spi, byte[] packetInfo)

Construct an instance of InvalidSelectorsException.

Public methods

byte[] getIpSecPacketInfo()

Returns the IP header plus the first 64 bits of the packet that has mismtached selectors.

int getIpSecSpi()

Returns the SPI of the IPsec SA that delivered the packet with mismtached selectors.

Inherited methods

Public constructors


Added in API level 31
public InvalidSelectorsException (int spi, 
                byte[] packetInfo)

Construct an instance of InvalidSelectorsException.

Except for testing, IKE library users normally do not instantiate this object themselves but instead get a reference via IkeSessionCallback or ChildSessionCallback

spi int: the SPI of the IPsec SA that delivered the packet with mismtached selectors.

packetInfo byte: the IP header plus the first 64 bits of the packet that has mismtached selectors. This value cannot be null.

Public methods


Added in API level 31
public byte[] getIpSecPacketInfo ()

Returns the IP header plus the first 64 bits of the packet that has mismtached selectors.

byte[] This value cannot be null.


Added in API level 31
public int getIpSecSpi ()

Returns the SPI of the IPsec SA that delivered the packet with mismtached selectors.
