
The samples for the Android Game Development Extension demonstrate how to use key features of the extension. This topic describes the samples and the settings needed to run them.

The following samples are available on the downloads page:

  • HelloJNI: an introductory project.
  • Endless-Tunnel: an Android only project.
  • Teapot: a cross-platform project for Windows and Android.
  • AssemblyCode-Link-Objects: a template project that has assembly source code.

Before you start

  • Install the Android Game Development Extension and the samples. See the quickstart for details. The topic also describes how to build and run a sample and uses the Android version of the Teapot sample as an example.

  • The project configuration guide describes how to configure settings for a project that uses the extension, such as adding an Android platform and APK.


The HelloJNI sample is a simple project that displays a “Hello From JNI” message in an app window. The project use a different set of source code for Windows and Android.

  • Android source code and gradle build scripts directory: HelloJNI\AndroidPackaging
  • Windows source code and Visual Studio project directory: HelloJNI

When you build the project, Visual Studio passes the following settings to the app-level build.gradle file. You can change these settings by modifying your Gradle build scripts.


To set up and run the sample:

  1. In Visual Studio, open and build the HelloJNI sample.
  2. Add an Android arm64-v8a platform. For more information, see Adding an Android Platform.
  3. Add an Android APK item to the new platform.
  4. Compile the project.
  5. Add the following Android platforms and then add an Android APK item to each of them: Android-armeabi-v7a, Android-x86, and Android-x86_64.
  6. Build and run the sample.


The Endless-Tunnel sample is an Android game where the player collects white cubes while trying to reach the end of a tunnel. It was ported from an OpenGL sample in the Android NDK repo on Github. The sample does not provide a Windows version of the game.

The sample already has its settings and Android plaforms configured, so you can build and run the project in Visual Studio without any modifications. When you open the solution, Solution Explorer displays these modules:

  • endless-tunnel: the application module that displays the game logic.
  • glm: a snapshot of the OpenGL Math repo that is built as a static library.
  • native_app_glue: an NDK wrapper that communicates with the NativeActivity object.


The Teapot sample displays a classic teapot that is rendered with OpenGL ES and ported to the Android Game Development Extension to demonstrate the following features:

  • Cross platform project development: you can build the Teapot sample for Windows and Android.
  • Custom Android packaging usage: the Gradle build scripts were moved to the sample’s root directory, where the Teapot.sln file is located.
  • Custom Android configurations that demonstrate how to use Address Sanitizer (ASan) and Hardware Address Sanitizer (HWAsan).

The implementation of the Teapot sample is split into multiple parts, which is typical for large cross platform applications and games:

  • GameApplication module: defines user actions and application states, such as a user rotating the teapot or updating application statistics.
  • GameEngine module: implements the core rendering module.

To set up the sample and run it on Android, see the quickstart. To set up the sample and run it on Windows:

  1. Install GLEW:
    1. Download and unzip GLEW.
    2. Copy the binary files from $your-glew-directory\bin\Release\x64 to %SystemRoot%\system32.
  2. Install freeglut:
    1. Download and unzip freeglut.
    2. Copy $your-freeglut-directory\bin\x86\freeglut.dll to %SystemRoot%\system32.
  3. Add the freeglut project dependencies:
    1. Open Teapot.sln in Visual Studio.
    2. In the menu, click Debug > x64 > Local Windows Debugger.
    3. In Solution Explorer, right click GameApplication and choose Properties > C/C++ > General > Additional Include Directories.
    4. Add $your-freeglut-dir\include to the path.
      Screenshot of the Additional Include Directories dialog.
    5. Click Ok.
    6. Choose Linker > General > Additional Library Directories.
    7. Add $your-freeglut-dir\lib\x64 to the path. Screenshot of the Additional Library Directories dialog.
    8. Click Ok.
    9. Choose Linker > General > Additional Library Directories.
    10. Add freeglut.lib to the path.
    11. Click Ok.
  4. Add the GLEW project dependencies:
    1. In the Solution Explorer pane, right click GameApplication and choose Properties > C/C++ > General > Additional Include Directories.
    2. Add $your-glew-dir\include to the path.
    3. Click Ok.
    4. Choose Linker > General > Additional Library Directories.
    5. Add $your-glew-dir\lib\Release\x86 to the path.
    6. Click Ok.
    7. Choose Linker > General > Additional Library Directories.
    8. Add glew32.lib to the path.
    9. Click Ok.
  5. Run the sample on Windows:
    1. On the Visual Studio toolbar, click the Local Windows Debugger run button.
    2. The sample should look as follows:
      Screenshot of the Teapot sample running on Windows.

This is a template project that demonstrates how to generate an Android native library from assembly and C/C++ source code. These are the main components:

  • AssemblyCode-Link-Objects: the main Android native library built from C++ and assembly source code.
  • StaticLib: a helper static library that exports the from_static_lib_assembly_code_as function.

The project supports multiple architectures. Each supported architecture has its own source files that implement functions that are exported from StaticLib. You should only include the assembly source files for the platforms you are building. This project includes assembly files in builds by using custom build tools.

To set up and build the sample:

  1. In Visual Studio, verify that custom build tools are configured for the assembly files:
    1. In Solution Explorer, right click the assembly file and click Properties. This opens the Properties Pages dialog for the file.
    2. Select the configuration and platform, such as All configurations for Android-arm64-v8a.
    3. Ensure that General > Exclude from Build is set to No.
    4. Ensure that General > Item Type is set to Custom Build Tool.
    5. Click Apply if there are changes to apply.
    6. Ensure that Configuration Properties > Custom Build Tools > Command Line: is set to $(AsToolExe) -o "$(IntDir)%(FileName).o" %(FullPath). The NDK includes a separate assembler for each CPU architecture and $(AsToolExe) maps to the correct assembler. This sample uses the NDK toolchain to build both x86 and x86_64 Android projects. If you want to use yasm for the x86_64 Android platform, use $(YasmToolExe) instead.
    7. Ensure that Configuration Properties > Custom Build Tools > Outputs: is set to $(IntDir)%(FileName).o. This string must be included in the Command Line setting.
    8. Ensure that Configuration Properties > Custom Build Tools > Link Objects: is set to Yes.

    For example, the Android-arm64-v8a settings should look similar to the following screenshot:

    Screenshot of the Property Page for Custom Build Tools.
  2. Build the project. This builds the file:
    1. Open the AssemblyCode-Link-Objects.sln file.
    2. In the menu, click Build > Build Solution.
  3. To confirm the functions are exported correctly to the Android library, use the nm.exe NDK tool:
    1. In the command line, go to the sample directory.
    2. Go to the Android library location that was generated by your build. The default location is similar to $sample_dir\$solution_configuration\$solution_platform\$platform and $sample_dir\Debug\Android-arm64-v8a\arm64-v8a for the arm64-v8a platform.
    3. Verify that the exported symbol section contains the functions by running the following command:
        \ndk\toolschains\llvm\prebuilt\windows-x86_64\aarch64-linux-android\bin\nm.exe --defined-only \Debug\Android-arm64-v8a\arm64-v8a\

      In the output, you should see a list of symbols that include the following:

         T from_shared_object_assembly_code_as
         T from_static_lib_assembly_code_as