
Drop-down menus let users click an icon, text field, or other component, and then select from a list of options on a temporary surface. This guide describes how to create both basic menus and more complex menus with dividers and icons.

A A dropdown menu with two options displayed. An icon with three vertical dots indicates that clicking it opens the menu.
Figure 1. A basic drop-down menu with two items listed.

API surface

Use DropdownMenu, DropdownMenuItem, and the IconButton components to implement a custom drop-down menu. The DropdownMenu and DropdownMenuItem components are used to display the menu items, while the IconButton is the trigger to display or hide the drop down menu.

The key parameters for the DropdownMenu component include the following:

  • expanded: Indicates whether the menu is visible.
  • onDismissRequest: Used to handle menu dismissal.
  • content: The composable content of the menu, typically containing DropdownMenuItem composables.

The key parameters for DropdownMenuItem include the following:

  • text: Defines the content displayed in the menu item.
  • onClick: Callback to handle interaction with the item in the menu.

Create a basic drop-down menu

The following snippet demonstrates a minimal DropdownMenu implementation:

fun MinimalDropdownMenu() {
    var expanded by remember { mutableStateOf(false) }
        modifier = Modifier
    ) {
        IconButton(onClick = { expanded = !expanded }) {
            Icon(Icons.Default.MoreVert, contentDescription = "More options")
            expanded = expanded,
            onDismissRequest = { expanded = false }
        ) {
                text = { Text("Option 1") },
                onClick = { /* Do something... */ }
                text = { Text("Option 2") },
                onClick = { /* Do something... */ }

Key points about the code

  • Defines a basic DropdownMenu containing two menu items.
  • The expanded parameter controls the menu's visibility as expanded or collapsed.
  • The onDismissRequest parameter defines a callback that executes when the user closes the menu.
  • The DropdownMenuItem composable represents selectable items in the drop-down menu.
  • An IconButton triggers the expansion and collapse of the menu.


A dropdown menu triggered by an icon with three vertical dots. The menu displays two selectable options, Option 1 and Option 2.
Figure 2. A minimal drop-down menu with only two options.

Create a longer drop-down menu

DropdownMenu is scrollable by default if all the menu items can't be displayed at once. The following snippet creates a longer, scrollable drop-down menu:

fun LongBasicDropdownMenu() {
    var expanded by remember { mutableStateOf(false) }
    // Placeholder list of 100 strings for demonstration
    val menuItemData = List(100) { "Option ${it + 1}" }

        modifier = Modifier
    ) {
        IconButton(onClick = { expanded = !expanded }) {
            Icon(Icons.Default.MoreVert, contentDescription = "More options")
            expanded = expanded,
            onDismissRequest = { expanded = false }
        ) {
            menuItemData.forEach { option ->
                    text = { Text(option) },
                    onClick = { /* Do something... */ }

Key points about the code

  • The DropdownMenu is scrollable when the total height of its content exceeds the available space. This code creates a scrollable DropdownMenu that displays 100 placeholder items.
  • The forEach loop dynamically generates DropdownMenuItem composables. The items are not lazily created, which means that all 100 drop-down items are created and exist in the composition.
  • The IconButton triggers the expansion and collapse of the DropdownMenu when clicked.
  • The onClick lambda within each DropdownMenuItem lets you define the action performed when the user selects a menu item.


The preceding code snippet produces the following scrollable menu:

A dropdown menu with many options, requiring scrolling to view all
Figure 3. A long, scrollable drop-down menu.

Create a longer drop-down menu with dividers

The following snippet shows a more advanced implementation of a drop-down menu. In this snippet, leading and trailing icons are added to menu items, and dividers separate groups of menu items.

fun DropdownMenuWithDetails() {
    var expanded by remember { mutableStateOf(false) }

        modifier = Modifier
    ) {
        IconButton(onClick = { expanded = !expanded }) {
            Icon(Icons.Default.MoreVert, contentDescription = "More options")
            expanded = expanded,
            onDismissRequest = { expanded = false }
        ) {
            // First section
                text = { Text("Profile") },
                leadingIcon = { Icon(Icons.Outlined.Person, contentDescription = null) },
                onClick = { /* Do something... */ }
                text = { Text("Settings") },
                leadingIcon = { Icon(Icons.Outlined.Settings, contentDescription = null) },
                onClick = { /* Do something... */ }


            // Second section
                text = { Text("Send Feedback") },
                leadingIcon = { Icon(Icons.Outlined.Feedback, contentDescription = null) },
                trailingIcon = { Icon(Icons.AutoMirrored.Outlined.Send, contentDescription = null) },
                onClick = { /* Do something... */ }


            // Third section
                text = { Text("About") },
                leadingIcon = { Icon(Icons.Outlined.Info, contentDescription = null) },
                onClick = { /* Do something... */ }
                text = { Text("Help") },
                leadingIcon = { Icon(Icons.AutoMirrored.Outlined.Help, contentDescription = null) },
                trailingIcon = { Icon(Icons.AutoMirrored.Outlined.OpenInNew, contentDescription = null) },
                onClick = { /* Do something... */ }

This code defines a DropdownMenu within a Box.

Key points about the code

  • The leadingIcon and trailingIcon parameters add icons to the start and end of a DropdownMenuItem.
  • An IconButton triggers the menu's expansion.
  • The DropdownMenu contains several DropdownMenuItem composables, each representing a selectable action.
  • HorizontalDivider composables insert a horizontal line to separate groups of menu items.


The preceding snippet produces a drop-down menu with icons and dividers:

A dropdown menu with sections for Profile, Settings, Send Feedback, About, and
Figure 4. A drop-down menu divided into sections with leading and trailing icons.

Additional resources