This document introduces the basic concepts you should be familiar with before you work with Media Player.
Sound and video classes
The following classes play sound and video in the Android framework:
: This class is the primary API for playing sound and video.AudioManager
: This class manages audio sources and audio output on a device.
Manifest declarations
Before you start development on your application using MediaPlayer, make sure your manifest has the appropriate declarations to allow use of related features.
Internet Permission: If you are using MediaPlayer to stream network-based content, your application must request network access.
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />
Wake Lock Permission: If your player application needs to keep the screen from dimming or the processor from sleeping, or uses the
orMediaPlayer.setWakeMode(android.content.Context, int)
methods, you must request this permission.<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WAKE_LOCK" />
Use the MediaPlayer class
The MediaPlayer
class is n essential component of the media framework.
An object of this class can fetch, decode, and play
both audio and video with minimal setup. MediaPlayer
supports several media
sources, including:
- Local resources
- Internal URIs, such as one you might obtain from a Content Resolver
- External URLs (streaming)
For a list of media formats that Android supports, see the Supported Media Formats page.
Examples of working with audio sources
Here is an example of how to play audio that's available as a local raw resource
(saved in your application's res/raw/
var mediaPlayer = MediaPlayer.create(context, R.raw.sound_file_1)
mediaPlayer.start() // no need to call prepare(); create() does that for you
MediaPlayer mediaPlayer = MediaPlayer.create(context, R.raw.sound_file_1);
mediaPlayer.start(); // no need to call prepare(); create() does that for you
In this case, a "raw" resource is a file that the system does not try to parse in any particular way. However, the content of this resource shouldn't be raw audio. It should be a properly encoded and formatted media file in one of the supported formats.
And here is how you might play from a URI available locally in the system (that you obtained through a Content Resolver, for instance):
val myUri: Uri = .... // initialize Uri here
val mediaPlayer = MediaPlayer().apply {
setDataSource(applicationContext, myUri)
Uri myUri = ....; // initialize Uri here
MediaPlayer mediaPlayer = new MediaPlayer();
new AudioAttributes.Builder()
mediaPlayer.setDataSource(getApplicationContext(), myUri);
Playing from a remote URL using HTTP streaming looks like this:
val url = "http://........" // your URL here
val mediaPlayer = MediaPlayer().apply {
prepare() // might take long! (for buffering, etc)
String url = "http://........"; // your URL here
MediaPlayer mediaPlayer = new MediaPlayer();
new AudioAttributes.Builder()
mediaPlayer.prepare(); // might take long! (for buffering, etc)
Use Asynchronous preparation to improve performance
Keep performance in mind when you use MediaPlayer
. For example, the call
to prepare()
can take a long time to execute, because it might involve
fetching and decoding media data. So, like any method that may take a long time
to execute, never call it from your application's UI thread. Doing so causes
the UI to stop responding until the method returns, which is a bad user
experience and can cause an ANR (Application Not Responding) error.
To avoid hanging your UI thread, spawn another thread to prepare the
and notify the main thread when done. The framework supplies
a convenient way to accomplish the prepareAsync()
method for doing this
task. This method starts preparing the media in the background and returns
immediately. When the media is donpreparing, the onPrepared()
method of
the MediaPlayer.OnPreparedListener
, configured through
is called.
Learn more
Jetpack Media3 is the recommended solution for media playback in your app. Read more about it.
These pages cover topics relating to recording, storing, and playing back audio and video: