added in version 25.1.0
belongs to Maven artifact


public static interface RecyclerView.SmoothScroller.ScrollVectorProvider
Known Indirect Subclasses

An interface which is optionally implemented by custom RecyclerView.LayoutManager to provide a hint to a RecyclerView.SmoothScroller about the location of the target position.


Public methods

abstract PointF computeScrollVectorForPosition(int targetPosition)

Should calculate the vector that points to the direction where the target position can be found.

Public methods


added in version 25.1.0
PointF computeScrollVectorForPosition (int targetPosition)

Should calculate the vector that points to the direction where the target position can be found.

This method is used by the LinearSmoothScroller to initiate a scroll towards the target position.

The magnitude of the vector is not important. It is always normalized before being used by the LinearSmoothScroller.

LayoutManager should not check whether the position exists in the adapter or not.

targetPosition int: the target position to which the returned vector should point

PointF the scroll vector for a given position.