Android XR Extensions for Unity

Reference documentation for the Android XR Extensions for Unity


ARAnchorExtensions Extensions to AR Foundation's ARAnchor class.
ARAnchorManagerExtensions Extensions to AR Foundation's ARAnchorManager class.
ARTrackedObjectExtensions Extensions to AR Foundation's ARTrackedObject class.
AndroidXRAnchorSubsystem The Android XR implementation of the XRAnchorSubsystem so it can work seamlessly with ARAnchorManager.
AndroidXRMouseInteractionProfile This OpenXRInteractionFeature enables the use of Android XR Mouse interaction profile in OpenXR.
AndroidXRMouse An Input device based on Android XR Mouse interaction profile.
AndroidXRMouseUsages Tags that can be used with InputDevice.TryGetFeatureValue to get mouse related input features.
AndroidXRObjectTrackingSubsystem The Android XR implementation of the XRObjectTrackingSubsystem so it can work seamlessly with ARTrackedObjectManager.
AndroidXRPermissionExtensions Helper class for AndroidXRPermission.
AndroidXRPermissionUtil Utility component to help manage runtime permission requests.
AndroidXRPlaneSubsystem The Android XR implementation of the XRPlaneSubsystem so it can work seamlessly with ARPlaneManager.
AndroidXRSessionSubsystem The Android XR implementation of the XRSessionSubsystem so it can work seamlessly with ARSession.
XRAnchorFeature This OpenXRInteractionFeature configures new extensions XR_ANDROID_trackables and XR_ANDROID_device_anchor_persistence at runtime and provides XRAnchorSubsystem implementation that works on Android XR platform.
XRAnchorSpace Updates ARAnchor which created with an OpenXR Anchor Space.
XRDisplayRefreshRateFeature This OpenXRInteractionFeature provides access to the XR_FB_display_refresh_rate extension.
XRDisplayRefreshRateInfo Contains the supported refresh rates and the current refresh rate.
XREnvironmentBlendModeFeature This OpenXRInteractionFeature configures XrEnvironmentBlendModeat OpenXR runtime.
XRFaceState This struct contains the blendshape parameter weights, current status of the face tracker and face joint poses.
XRFaceTrackingFeature This OpenXRInteractionFeature configures new extension
XRFaceTrackingManager This class provides the current eye information.
XRFoveationFeature This OpenXRInteractionFeature configures the XR_FB_foveationextension at OpenXR runtime.
XRHandMeshFeature This feature provides access to the XR_ANDROID_hand_mesh extension.
XRObjectTrackingFeature This OpenXRInteractionFeature configures Android XR extensions XR_ANDROID_trackables and XR_ANDROID_trackables_object at runtime and provides XRObjectTrackingSubsystem implementation that works on Android XR platform.
XRPassthroughFeature This OpenXRInteractionFeature configures the XR_ANDROID_composition_layer_passthrough_mesh and XR_ANDROID_passthrough_camera_state extensions at OpenXR runtime and provides passthrough geometry capabilities in the OpenXR platform.
XRPassthroughLayerData Example of defining a layer data script for a passthrough layer.
XRSessionFeature This OpenXRInteractionFeature provides Android XR session management for all extended Android XR features, and common session configurations.
XRTrackableFeature This OpenXRInteractionFeature configures new extension XR_ANDROID_trackables at runtime and provides XRPlaneSubsystem implementation that works on Android XR platform.
XRUnboundedRefSpaceFeature This XRUnboundedRefSpaceFeature makes the UNBOUNDED reference space available in this app and can be used by setting the XRInputSubsystem tracking origin mode.