
The Session provides the primary interface to spatialized functionality for the application. Each spatialized Activity must create and hold an instance of Session. Once created, the application can use the Session interfaces to create spatialized content entities such as panels or 3d models, as well as set a spatial environment, identify user position, and anchor content to the real world.

Access Session from Jetpack Compose for XR

When using Jetpack Compose for XR, the session is created for you and can be accessed using LocalSession.current. See the following example:

import androidx.xr.compose.platform.LocalSession

class myActivity : Activity() {
   val xrSession = checkNotNull(LocalSession.current)

Access Session from Jetpack SceneCore

If you are creating spatialized entities from the SceneCore library, you'll need to instantiate the session yourself.

Creating a session is only supported on an Android XR device. At this time, if you create a Session and try to use it on a non Android XR device, you'll get a NullPointerException.

You can create only one session per activity. To create a session, pass an activity to the create method, as shown in the following example. Attempting to create a session on an incompatible device may throw runtime errors.

import androidx.xr.scenecore.Session

class MyActivity : Activity() {
  val xrSession = Session.create(this)

When a session's activity is destroyed, all spatial UI and 3D content associated with that session is destroyed and the session is no longer valid.

See also