
@Incubating interface ApplicationVariantDimension : VariantDimension


Inherited functions


abstract String?

Application id suffix.

abstract Boolean?

Returns whether multi-dex is enabled.

abstract ApkSigningConfig?

The associated signing config or null if none are set on the variant dimension.

abstract String?

Version name suffix.

Inherited properties



abstract var applicationIdSuffix: String?

Application id suffix. It is appended to the "base" application id when calculating the final application id for a variant.

In case there are product flavor dimensions specified, the final application id suffix will contain the suffix from the default product flavor, followed by the suffix from product flavor of the first dimension, second dimension and so on. All of these will have a dot in between e.g. "defaultSuffix.dimension1Suffix.dimensions2Suffix".


abstract var multiDexEnabled: Boolean?

Returns whether multi-dex is enabled.

This can be null if the flag is not set, in which case the default value is used.


abstract var signingConfig: ApkSigningConfig?

The associated signing config or null if none are set on the variant dimension.


abstract var versionNameSuffix: String?

Version name suffix. It is appended to the "base" version name when calculating the final version name for a variant.

In case there are product flavor dimensions specified, the final version name suffix will contain the suffix from the default product flavor, followed by the suffix from product flavor of the first dimension, second dimension and so on.