public abstract class TextClassifier

Interface for providing text classification related features. TextClassifier acts as a proxy to either the system provided TextClassifier, or an equivalent implementation provided by an app. Each instance of the class therefore represents one connection to the classifier implementation.

Unless otherwise stated, methods of this interface are blocking operations. Avoid calling them on the UI thread.


Nested types

public final class TextClassifier.EntityConfig

This class is deprecated.

Use android.view.textclassifier.TextClassifier.EntityConfig instead.

This class is deprecated.

Use android.view.textclassifier.TextClassifier.EntityConfig.Builder instead.


static final String
HINT_TEXT_IS_EDITABLE = "android.text_is_editable"

Designates that the text in question is editable.

static final String
HINT_TEXT_IS_NOT_EDITABLE = "android.text_is_not_editable"

Designates that the text in question is not editable.

static final TextClassifier

No-op TextClassifier.

static final String
TYPE_ADDRESS = "address"

Identifies a physical address.

static final String
TYPE_DATE = "date"

Time reference that is no more specific than a date.

static final String
TYPE_DATE_TIME = "datetime"

Time reference that includes a specific time.

static final String
TYPE_EMAIL = "email"

Identifies an e-mail address.

static final String

Flight number in IATA format.

static final String
TYPE_OTHER = "other"

Signifies that the classifier ran, but didn't recognize a know entity.

static final String
TYPE_PHONE = "phone"

Identifies a phone number.

static final String

Signifies that the TextClassifier did not identify an entity.

static final String
TYPE_URL = "url"

Identifies a URL.

static final String

The widget involved in the text classification session is a custom editable text widget.

static final String

The widget involved in the text classification session is a custom text widget.

static final String

The widget involved in the text classification session is a custom non-selectable text widget.

static final String

The widget involved in the text classification session is a standard android.widget.EditText.

static final String

The widget involved in the text classification session is a standard editable android.webkit.WebView.

static final String

The widget involved in the text classification session is a standard android.widget.TextView.

static final String

The widget involved in the text classification session is of an unknown/unspecified type.

static final String

The widget involved in the text classification session is a standard non-selectable android.widget.TextView.

static final String

The widget involved in the text classification session is a standard android.webkit.WebView.

Public constructors

Public methods

@NonNull TextClassification

Classifies the specified text and returns a TextClassification object that can be used to generate a widget for handling the classified text.

@NonNull TextLinks

Generates and returns a TextLinks that may be applied to the text to annotate it with links information.


Returns the maximal length of text that can be processed by generateLinks.

@NonNull ConversationActions

Suggests and returns a list of actions according to the given conversation.

@NonNull TextSelection

Returns suggested text selection start and end indices, recognized entity types, and their associated confidence scores.



public static final String HINT_TEXT_IS_EDITABLE = "android.text_is_editable"

Designates that the text in question is editable.


public static final String HINT_TEXT_IS_NOT_EDITABLE = "android.text_is_not_editable"

Designates that the text in question is not editable.


public static final TextClassifier NO_OP

No-op TextClassifier. This may be used to turn off text classifier features.


public static final String TYPE_ADDRESS = "address"

Identifies a physical address.


public static final String TYPE_DATE = "date"

Time reference that is no more specific than a date. May be absolute such as "01/01/2000" or relative like "tomorrow".


public static final String TYPE_DATE_TIME = "datetime"

Time reference that includes a specific time. May be absolute such as "01/01/2000 5:30pm" or relative like "tomorrow at 5:30pm".


public static final String TYPE_EMAIL = "email"

Identifies an e-mail address.


public static final String TYPE_FLIGHT_NUMBER = "flight"

Flight number in IATA format.


public static final String TYPE_OTHER = "other"

Signifies that the classifier ran, but didn't recognize a know entity.


public static final String TYPE_PHONE = "phone"

Identifies a phone number.


public static final String TYPE_UNKNOWN = ""

Signifies that the TextClassifier did not identify an entity.


public static final String TYPE_URL = "url"

Identifies a URL.


public static final String WIDGET_TYPE_CUSTOM_EDITTEXT = "customedit"

The widget involved in the text classification session is a custom editable text widget.


public static final String WIDGET_TYPE_CUSTOM_TEXTVIEW = "customview"

The widget involved in the text classification session is a custom text widget.


public static final String WIDGET_TYPE_CUSTOM_UNSELECTABLE_TEXTVIEW = "nosel-customview"

The widget involved in the text classification session is a custom non-selectable text widget.


public static final String WIDGET_TYPE_EDITTEXT = "edittext"

The widget involved in the text classification session is a standard android.widget.EditText.


public static final String WIDGET_TYPE_EDIT_WEBVIEW = "edit-webview"

The widget involved in the text classification session is a standard editable android.webkit.WebView.


public static final String WIDGET_TYPE_TEXTVIEW = "textview"

The widget involved in the text classification session is a standard android.widget.TextView.


public static final String WIDGET_TYPE_UNKNOWN = "unknown"

The widget involved in the text classification session is of an unknown/unspecified type.


public static final String WIDGET_TYPE_UNSELECTABLE_TEXTVIEW = "nosel-textview"

The widget involved in the text classification session is a standard non-selectable android.widget.TextView.


public static final String WIDGET_TYPE_WEBVIEW = "webview"

The widget involved in the text classification session is a standard android.webkit.WebView.

Public constructors


public TextClassifier()

Public methods


public @NonNull TextClassification classifyText(@NonNull TextClassification.Request request)

Classifies the specified text and returns a TextClassification object that can be used to generate a widget for handling the classified text.

NOTE: Call on a worker thread.

@NonNull TextClassification.Request request

the text classification request


public @NonNull TextLinks generateLinks(@NonNull TextLinks.Request request)

Generates and returns a TextLinks that may be applied to the text to annotate it with links information.

NOTE: Call on a worker thread.

@NonNull TextLinks.Request request

the text links request


public int getMaxGenerateLinksTextLength()

Returns the maximal length of text that can be processed by generateLinks.

See also


public @NonNull ConversationActions suggestConversationActions(@NonNull ConversationActions.Request request)

Suggests and returns a list of actions according to the given conversation.


public @NonNull TextSelection suggestSelection(@NonNull TextSelection.Request request)

Returns suggested text selection start and end indices, recognized entity types, and their associated confidence scores. The entity types are ordered from highest to lowest scoring.

NOTE: Call on a worker thread.

@NonNull TextSelection.Request request

the text selection request