Large screen device manufacturer per-app overrides

Android provides overrides that change the configured behavior of apps. For example, the FORCE_RESIZE_APP override instructs the system to resize the app to fit display dimensions even if resizeableActivity="false" is set in the app manifest.

Device manufacturers apply overrides to apps on select large screen devices.

Per-app overrides are intended to improve the user experience on large screen devices. Apps can disable some overrides.

For more information about per-app overrides, see Device compatibility mode.

Device manufacturer overrides

Device manufacturers apply overrides to apps to improve the user experience on tablets, foldables, and other large screen devices. For a complete list of overrides, see Device compatibility mode.

Disable the overrides

PackageManager.Property tags enable apps to disable device manufacturer overrides. Android 14 introduces the following tags:


    To disable the FORCE_RESIZE_APP and FORCE_NON_RESIZE_APP overrides, set the property to false in your app manifest:


    Optimize your app for large screens: Make your app resizable and implement responsive/adaptive layouts for an optimal user experience on displays of all sizes.


    To disable OVERRIDE_MIN_ASPECT_RATIO, set the property to false in your app manifest:


    The property also disables the following device manufacturer overrides:

    Optimize your app for large screens: Don't set aspect ratio restrictions in your app. Create app layouts that support different screen sizes and multi‑window mode.