
Receiver scope for Carousel item content.


Public functions


Draw a border on the composable using the given shape, taking into account the item's size in the cross axis and mask in the main axis.


Clips the composable to the given shape, taking into account the item's size in the cross axis and mask in the main axis.


Converts and remembers shape into a GenericShape that uses the intersection of the carousel item's mask Rect and Size as the final shape's bounds.


Public properties


Information regarding the carousel item, such as its minimum and maximum size.


Public functions

fun Modifier.maskBorder(border: BorderStroke, shape: Shape): Modifier

Draw a border on the composable using the given shape, taking into account the item's size in the cross axis and mask in the main axis.

border: BorderStroke

the border to be drawn around the composable

shape: Shape

the shape of the border

fun Modifier.maskClip(shape: Shape): Modifier

Clips the composable to the given shape, taking into account the item's size in the cross axis and mask in the main axis.

shape: Shape

the shape to be applied to the composable


fun rememberMaskShape(shape: Shape): GenericShape

Converts and remembers shape into a GenericShape that uses the intersection of the carousel item's mask Rect and Size as the final shape's bounds.

This method is useful if using a Shape in a Modifier other than maskClip and maskBorder where the shape should follow the changes in the item's mask size.

shape: Shape

The shape that will be converted and remembered and react to changes in the item's mask.

Public properties


val carouselItemInfoCarouselItemInfo

Information regarding the carousel item, such as its minimum and maximum size.

The item information is updated after every scroll. If you use it in a composable function, it will be recomposed on every change causing potential performance issues. Avoid using it in the composition.