Get data from the internet
Implement coroutines to perform tasks concurrently without blocking the app, and learn about HTTP and REST to get data from the internet.
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Connect to the internet
In this unit, you’ll learn how to build an app that can get data from the internet.
Introduction to Coroutines in Kotlin Playground
Within Kotlin Playground, learn to use Kotlin coroutines to write asynchronous code.
Introduction to Coroutines in Android Studio
Learn to use Kotlin coroutines inside an Android app and how to test coroutines.
Introduction to HTTP/REST
Learn how apps communicate with each other using HTTP and serve data over HTTP using REST services.
Get data from the internet
Connect your app to backend servers using the third-party library Retrofit and learn how to consume REST web services.
What's next?
Well done! This pathway was really long, and you learned several important topics, such as coroutines for concurrent programming and Retrofit, a library for working with REST services.